
Mike McMahon AUSD
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Source:5 /23 BOE Meeting



Presented at the June 13, 2006 BOE Meeting

General Statement


The purpose of this policy is to foster wellness in the Alameda Unified School District according to the Eight Components of a Coordinated School Health Program set forth by the California Department of Education in the California Health Framework. The Alameda Unified School District recognizes the link between student health and learning and desires to provide a high-quality system promoting:

This policy serves as an organizational tool where district Board Policies and Administrative Regulations related to the Wellness Components are listed here for reference and ease of finding needed policy and regulation information.

Comprehensive Health Education

The Governing Board intends for health education to be part of a comprehensive district program to promote the health and well-being of students and staff. As part of this program, the Board is committed to providing for physical education, health services, nutrition services, psychological and counseling services, a safe and healthy school environment, and involvement of parents/guardians and community members.

Health education in the District should enable students to: Analyze the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on their decisions related to nutrition and physical activity lifestyle choices.

Understand and demonstrate how to play a positive, active role in promoting the nutrition-related health of their families, peers and the community through advocacy and interpersonal communication skills for healthy food and beverage choices.

Identify information, products and services that may be helpful or harmful to their health, and demonstrate the ability to access valid nutrition information and health.

The Board believes that health education in all curricular areas should foster coordination with nutrition services, which includes the knowledge, skills and behaviors that students will need in order to lead healthy, productive lives. Besides understanding the process of growth and development, students should know how to obtain and use health-related information, products and services. They should learn to accept personal responsibility for their own lifelong health and to respect and promote the health of others.

The district shall provide age-appropriate health education including, but not limited to, instruction related to:

  1. Family living
  2. Individual growth and development
  3. Nutrition, including but not limited to lessons that address the negative effects that obesity has on an individual's long-term health and well-being and ways to promote lifelong healthy eating. Integrate current scientifically accurate nutrition content into classroom instruction in such core subjects a science, math, English language arts and history/social science as well as into the instruction offered in before and after school programs
  4. Communicable and chronic diseases
  5. Personal health, including but not limited to lessons that address the hazardous effects of excessive noise and overexposure to sun
  6. Mental and emotional health
  7. Injury prevention and safety
  8. Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
  9. Environmental health
  10. Consumer and community health

The above content areas shall be addressed in a planned, sequential curriculum for students in kindergarten through 12th grade including but not limited to supplementary “Level Reading” that reinforces wellness Lessons.

Upon written request by a student's parent/guardian, he/she shall be excused from any part of the health instruction that conflicts with the parent/guardian's religious training, beliefs or personal moral convictions. Parents/guardians shall receive notification at the beginning of each school year regarding their right to excuse students from health instruction on these grounds.

Physical Education, Physical Activity and Athletics

The Alameda Unified School District encourages, supports and promotes a physically active lifestyle for all students. We recognize the benefit of physical education and physical activity for our children to combat childhood obesity and promote overall wellness that will last a lifetime. We recognize the distinct relationship between academic achievement and the physical fitness: students achieve best, are more likely to be academically motivated, alert and successful when they are physically fit. The Alameda Unified School District offers opportunities where children can engage in a variety of multi level and multi skilled physical activity.

Physical Education

The AUSD provides a sequential course of study that follows the State Physical Education Framework and abides by the laws set forth in the California Education Code. The physical education curriculum is designed to meet the needs of Alameda Students:

  • Involves moderate to vigorous physical activity, (during at least 50% of instructional minutes for P.E.), that teaches knowledge, motor skills and positive attitudes, promotes activities and sports that all students enjoy and can pursue throughout their lives.
  • Is taught by a highly qualified, properly credentialed teacher who receives focused on-going professional development related to the curriculum, instruction and assessment in physical education.
  • Meets the minimum minutes required at each grade level.
  • Student achievement is monitored through grade level benchmarks and mandated fitness testing.
  • Provides activity that is safe and satisfying for all including those with special needs.
  • Conducted in an environment that is well maintained, with adequate space and equipment, and with a class size conducive to learning.

Physical Activity

Physical activity contributes to fitness, health and wellness, is any structured or unstructured movement activity that promotes moderate to vigorous physical activity, and gross motor movement and skills. It may include recess*, noon league, intramural and recreation programs, dance, cheerleading/pep squads. It is not considered Physical Education but is valued for:

  • Contributing to nationally recommended guidelines of at least 60 minutes per day of moderate of vigorous physical activity.
  • Promoting student guided cooperative movement activity.

All elementary school students should have at least 20 minutes a day of supervised opportunities for physical activity (exclusive of PE), preferably outdoors, during which schools should encourage moderate to vigorous physical activity including through the provision of space and equipment. Physical activity shall not be used as a punishment. Withholding of recess or other student breaks shall not be used except for student safety.


Extracurricular participation on a school sponsored team, individual or dual sports program is guided by Title 5 and Title IX regulations. The Board recognizes that physical education and “athletic programs” are separate and different from each other. While Physical Education is a multifaceted process that teaches a wide range of skills and activities participation in athletics is a focus on one specific activity. Athletic programs are valued for:

  • Contributing to nationally recommended guidelines of at least 60 minutes per day of moderate of vigorous physical activity and for
  • Promoting sportsmanship and cooperative efforts.
  • Ensuring Equivalent opportunities for both genders and free from discrimination.
  • Giving student health and safety the highest consideration in planning and conducting athletic activities.

Health Services

The Alameda Unified School District recognizes that healthy students are better able to take advantage of the educational programs offered to them. To this end, Health Services approaches student health in a multifaceted manner. The primary coordination of Health Services shall be by a qualified school health care practitioner employed by the Alameda Unified School District.

The prevention of disease by monitoring immunizations and physical examinations; the adherence of universal precautions as part of an infection control plan, and the routine screening of staff for tuberculosis.

The identification of correctable conditions by routine vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening and their remediation through medical referral.

The maintenance of good health by appropriately dispensing prescribed medication and assisting with specialized health care procedures.

Provide direct service to students during incidences of injury or illness.

The Alameda Unified School District recognizes that dental decay impacts students’ overall health and ability to learn. The District will attempt to establish community partnerships to increase students’ access to dental health services and will work with the local dental community on tools to assess the dental health of students.

The District realizes that some school sites may have students who have physical, emotional, or social needs that exceed the standard allocation of support staff. In order to meet the needs of the site, the District will look at multiple factors when allocating resources to develop a needs allocation assessment and attempt to assign personnel based on site needs.

District staff will continue to encourage all eligible families, to the maximum extent possible, to participate in low cost insurance plans such as Medi-Cal and Healthy Families.

The Alameda Unified School District shall collaborate with community health liaisons and resources to promote health and wellness for students, families, staff and the community. School district relationships with the school based health centers, the city and county dental bureaus/associations, and a private foundation providing free vision exams and glasses shall be maintained.

Nutrition Services

The Alameda Unified School District recognizes that all students need adequate, nourishing food in order to grow, learn and maintain good health. We recognize that the food and beverages we offer to our students convey a message about what we think is healthy and appropriate for them. We further recognize that significant research indicates a positive relationship between adequate nutrition, learning and academic performance. Academic performance and quality of life issues are affected by the choice and availability of healthy foods in our schools. Healthy foods support student physical growth, brain development, resistance to disease, emotional stability and ability to learn. The district will ensure that each student will have access to healthy food choices at all school sites.

Food Service/Child Nutrition Program

All foods sold to students during school hours shall be:

  • Selected so as to contribute to student's nutritional well-being.
  • Prepared in ways that will appeal to students, retain nutritive quality and foster lifelong healthful eating habits.
  • Provided to give a variety of healthy choices at all sites including ethnic and cultural favorites.
  • A representative sample of students from all sites will be involved in the selection, tasting and marketing of healthy foods that appeal to students.

    The district will provide an opportunity for students to have a minimum of 10 minutes to eat after sitting down at breakfast and a minimum of 20 minutes after sitting down for lunch.

    Quality of Food

    The Superintendent or designee shall ensure the meals offered by the district's food service program meet all State and Federal requirements for all foods sold on campus including the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and snack programs.

    The AUSD food service program is encouraged to feature fresh, seasonal and minimally processed foods from local and organic sources to the greatest extent possible.

    Sanitation and safety procedures shall comply with the requirements of the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law as set forth in Health and Safety Code 113700-11445.

    Not these foods identified as Worst Food for nutritional value.

    Marketing and Promotion of Foods and Beverages

    Healthy foods and beverage choices (i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, 100% fruit juice and water) will be promoted in all school activities and school-sponsored events where food and beverages are offered or sold.

    The district seeks to protect students from commercial influences that promote unhealthy food and beverages on campus, in curriculum and in classroom materials.

    The school district will not market or advertise unhealthy foods or beverages. Any food or beverages that do not meet nutrition standards and current state and federal regulations will not be promoted in any way (e.g., through signage, vending machine fronts, scoreboards, logos, school supplies, etc.) All contracts entered into by the school district or any school district employee will be consistent with this policy. Current contracts not meeting the policy will be renegotiated or allowed to sunset.

    The school district will review all resources and materials provided by outside sources to ensure that they do not promote unhealthy foods or beverages, and that they do not include logos, mascots or brand names associated with unhealthy foods and beverages.

    The district will not accept any materials (including but not limited to curriculum, classroom materials, posters, prizes and giveaways) from any food company or food industry-associated group unless the superintendent or designee finds that the material is consistent with the district’s school wellness policy.

    The district discourages teachers from using identifiable brand names in their instruction unless they are found to be necessary to the lesson being taught.

    Competitive Food Sales/ Fundraisers

    School fundraisers shall not undermine students’ nutrition and health. The district will encourage all organizations and entities engaged in fundraising not to use food and beverage items for fundraisers. Fundraisers that promote physical activity are especially encouraged.

    Organizations electing to use food or beverage items for fundraising will be provided with current law nutrition standards, and encouraged to sell only food and beverage items that are consistent with those standards.

    The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that food sales by school-related groups and the use of vending machines are in compliance with state and federal law and do not impair student participation in the district's food service program.

    Clubs must obtain approval for food sales from the Superintendent Designee Food fairs during the school day, (e.g. International day, potlucks etc.), may occur not more than 4 times per year at any one site. The school day is from one-half hour before the student day until one-half hour after.

    A partnership will be developed between the Regional Occupations Program (ROP) and the AUSD food services department to increase student learning and decrease direct competition of food sales that has an impact on finances affecting all programs.

    Food Donations

    The district will encourage parents and guardians to bring only healthy food and beverage items for classroom food donations (e.g., foods/beverages brought for class parties and special events). The district will provide parents/guardians with information about current state and federal law pertaining to nutrition standards, and encourage parents/guardians to bring only food and beverage items to school that are consistent with those standards.

    Food as a Reward/Punishment

    District staff will not use food or beverages as a reward for student accomplishments, nor withhold food or beverages as punishment.

    The use of food as a reinforcement may be acceptable for students with disabilities, after non food options have been considered, who require significant reinforcement to maintain appropriate behavior in the public school setting. The use of such reinforcement should be as nutritionally appropriate as possible and should be reviewed at least annually as part of the IEP process.

    The district will educate staff about the health risks of using food as a reward or punishment, and identify a list of non-food reinforce/reward alternatives.

    Mental Health and Social Services

    The Alameda Unified School District recognizes that good mental health is critical to a student’s ability to learn.

    The District recognizes that primary prevention and early intervention are the best means to provide for the long term success of students. The District encourages the development of evidence-based primary prevention programs geared toward providing proactive mental health and social services to children.

    The District recognizes that a comprehensive counseling program can help promote academic achievement and serve the diverse needs of district students. Comprehensive counseling includes guidance counseling, academic and career counseling, personal counseling, and crisis counseling.

    District provided services may include counseling, developmental assessment, assessment of psychosocial status, and diagnosis of mental health, substance abuse, behavioral adjustment or social problems

    The District recognizes that schools alone cannot meet children’s complex needs.

    The District will collaborate with local and state mental health and social service providers in order to offer integrated services at or near district schools.

    The District will provide an orderly, caring, and nondiscriminatory learning environment in which all students can feel comfortable and take pride in their school and their achievements.

    The District will ensure that staff teach students the meaning of equality, human dignity, and mutual respect, and employ cooperative learning strategies that foster positive interactions in the classroom among students from diverse backgrounds.

    Students shall have opportunities to voice their concerns about school policies and practices and to share responsibility for solving problems that affect their school.

    The District recognizes the negative impact of abuse on student wellness, and affirms the right of every child to live free of physical and emotional abuse, including neglect and assault. The district has a responsibility to protect students by facilitating the prompt reporting of known and suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect. The Board also recognizes that schools are in a position to promote the prevention of child abuse and its reoccurrence, and to reduce the general vulnerability of children.

    Healthy School Environment

    It is the policy of the Alameda Unified School District to provide a healthy and safe environment which supports academic success. Safe communities promote healthier students. Healthier students do better in school and make greater contributions to their community.

    The following will be district policy:

      a) School buildings and grounds, structures, buses and equipment shall meet all current health and safety standards, including environment air quality, and be kept inviting, clean, safe and in good repair.

      b) Schools and district offices shall maintain an environment that is free of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.

      c) Safety procedures and appropriate training for students and staff shall support personal safety, and a violence and harassment free environment.

      d) Each work site, school and classroom shall work to create an environment where students, parents/guardians and staff are respected, valued and accepted with high expectations for personal behavior and accomplishments.

      e) The school district should assess and, if necessary, improve students’ ability to safely walk and bike to school. When appropriate, the district should collaborate with local public works, public safety, and/or police departments in achieving safe routes for walking and biking to school.

      f) The school district should encourage students to use public transportation when available and appropriate for travel to school.

    Health Promotion for Staff

    AUSD believes that staff wellness is a priority.

    The district shall make information available about wellness resources, facilities, and services to all district staff.

    Employees shall be encouraged to engage in daily physical activity during the workday as part of work breaks and/or lunch periods, before or after work hours in site sponsored programs or as part of discounted membership in local fitness facilities.

    All employees will have the opportunity to participate in training and in-service programs that address wellness topics such as nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and drug abuse, and tobacco.

    Employees will be encouraged and provided with the information necessary to adopt healthy lifestyles and serve as Wellness models for students and the community.

    Employees will be encouraged to look at district-wide health plans that include prevention when selecting health benefits.

    Environment assessment shall include; employee safety; ergonomics; security; and Universal Precautions.

    Family, School, and Community Partnership

    AUSD will attempt to develop long term effective partnerships to improve the planning and implementation of health promotion projects and events within each school and throughout the community.

    Community outreach activities will address the diversity of the community.

    Community partnerships shall support activities to improve family, school and community wellness.

    Community outreach activities will address parenting, general wellness, nutrition and physical activity issues.

    The District recognizes that school facilities, playgrounds and open spaces serve as a community resource for physical activity. School facilities and spaces should be available to community agencies and organizations that offer physical activity and nutrition programs. AUSD will encourage joint use agreements for use of school facilities.

    Program Implementation and Evaluation

    The Superintendent or designee, in consultation with the District Wellness Advisory Committee, will ensure accountability for the implementation and evaluation of the district’s wellness policy. In accordance to the federal Child Nutrition and Women, Infants and Children Reauthorization Act of 2004 and recommendations by the California Department of Education/California School Boards Association the Alameda Unified Wellness Advisory may include parents/guardians, students, school food service professionals, administrators, Board representatives, and members of the public, teachers, health educators, classified staff, district nurse, health office assistants, coaches and other appropriate school representatives. Alameda Unified School District will develop Administrative Regulations to implement the Wellness Policy objectives.

    The Superintendent shall designate at least one person within the distrcit and at each school to be responsible for ensuring that the school sites implement the district's wellness policy.

    A Wellness Policy Implementation Committee will be established to review the Administrative Regulations and develop outreach plans for school sites and the community.

    The Superintendent or designee shall recommend for Board approval specific quality indicators that will be used to measure the implementation of the Wellness Policy.

    The Superintendent or designee shall report to the Board at least every two years on the implementation of the policy and any other Board policies related to nutrition and physcial activity.


    Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
    Last modified: May 23, 2006

    Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.

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