I was elected in 2002 and began serving on Alameda School Board in January, 2003. Below are the survey results to gauge support for my reelection. I sent emails to the 650+ individuals who contacted me (see note below) in the last three plus years on the school board. Recognize that these results are from supporters of my reelection and therefore not representative of the larger Alameda community.
1. How would you rate the performance of the School Board over the past four years?
2. How would rate School Board Member McMahon's performance as a School Board Member over the past four years?
3. How would you rate the overall academic performance of the School District the past four years?
4. Overall, the District is moving in the right direction?
7. The one thing the District could improve on is...
Educate parents on the issue of declining enrollment because the schools my kids attend appear to talk all the time about being overcrowded. Is declining enrollment only in certain schools or certain areas of the island? What can we do to stop that as schools need the funds to help maintain standards.
maybe have town hall meeting once in while at some one school... so maybe more of the parents would come . I think there lack teacher parent contact... lots of times kids dont tell their the parents what is really happening in there schools.
Focus on the quality of education, not just passing test scores, and find a way to eliminate the teachers who do not seem to really like children and want to excite them about learning. A cadre of enthusiastic teachers would be able to accomplish great deal...too many seem focussed on PERS returns and getting every ounce of benefit from their employment. hope this is an incorrect assumption...but see no evidence of that.
Understand that although we are one district that each school is still unique, just as each of our children are unique, and that the school has their own needs and requirements that should to be addressed individually. Continue to support the school staff that needs to work everyday with our children, but don't just stop at doing what is always done, continue to progress forward as each new year is a new step.
Higher educational standards. Currently middle and high school educational standards are low in comparison to other school districts.
Communication of school related issues to the general public, involve the general public by providing them feasible opportunities to voice concerns in major decision processes (i.e. recent wellness policy).
I think that it is well run already.
Finding ways to improve the Health cap for all employees and their families that will not put a financial burden on the families, 2 parties and single individuals. and secondly seeing the ADA is appropriately raised now that the base has been closed for some years now and maybe some of that added monies can be ear marked for health care costs, since alot of the monies coming in from the state or federal government are already earmarked for special programs and cannot be spent otherwise.
the disparity between the emphasis given to AP programs vs the wider student body; the lack of equity across the island; dead-beat educators; performing and visual arts; engagement of students; value of all career paths; financial education
Clear communication with the entire community, in a positive but honest dialog.
the science department at AHS. It's overall very poor and poorly prepares students for college level science.
improving the public's understanding of the importance of base-reuse policies as it will apply to the district.
Improved financial stability and income parity in per-pupil funding, compared with other districts. This can lead to better support for classroom teachers and improved management-union relations. #2 on my list is in increased recycling efficiencies, encouraging more reuse and recycling throughout AUSD. #3 is improved nutrition education. #4 is improved enrichment programs: PE, ESL, drama, music, field trips, more reading, special projects, etc... #3 is as well as improved nutrition and enrichment programs.
I just wish the District was as informative as Mike ... and honest...Many times, I feel there is some conscious obfuscation and delay in releasing important information.
...getting a more positive message out there about the state of the schools. Alameda schools are great and one of the many things that brought us to buy a home in Alameda. The School District needs to do a better job at "tooting its own horn" and letting folks know how great the teachers and administrators are so that Alameda will stop losing its kids to private schools.
Communicating essential conduct and accountability for students to adhere to beyond school grounds. General deportment in public by AHS in library and on Park St. is unacceptable in some cases. Failing to have standards for students beyond school grounds, off-duty durinc school hours is unacceptable. There should be dismissal penalties for violations.
improving the delivery of special ed services in the school district. Hiring Rosalind Davenport as director was a move in the right direction.
Bringing the entire community together as one district, as opposed to disparate school communities.
Actively moving toward reimplementing a K-8 program.
Continue to fight for funding resources. Listen to parent input. Expand the ACLC program. Provide clear avenues for parents to express concerns regarding principals and teachers. Alameda has a unique community character, at times I feel administration approaches policies based on fear instead of community involvement and education. If we promote fear we project fear.
Communications - individual. Mass communications to non-parents seems to be appropriate. However, individual communications fall way below standard. Phones are not answered nor messages returned, even untimely. Admin Office staff are not always as professional as one would expect. The Board and the Superintendent are very collaborative but administrative staff does not model this leadership.
Giving due consideration to public comments and criticism. Sometimes they are so quick to defend themselves and so dismissive that they miss opportunities for improvement.
Creating educational equity across the island! There continues to be an East-West division when it comes to the quality of facilities, program support and academic success. Boundaries need to be adjusted so that schools across the island have similar capacities - rather than some busting at the seams while others are under-enrolled.
Holding schools accountable for their sub group scores. It is too easy to celebrate double digit schoolwide gains when sub groups are simultaneously making double digit drops. There has to be something done about the "cherry picking" of ACLC. The charter law allows them to take what they want/need without regard to the ramifications of other students. It may be the law but that does not make it right.
Raising money for schools.
Attracting and maintaining excellent teachers for our young people.
improve inclusion of the school sites in the decision making process that affects those schools
support our kids, with more money for kids programs.
Adopting a schedule that completes the academic semester before the winter break. this eliminates a review of lost studies during the two week abscence and increases the value of the "off-time." Many of the Catholic Schools use this superior schedule.
???. You're the expert.
Better school facilities
Address boys' problems and issues in education.
Communication with parents as to how "to work" the school district when addressing such things as sibling assignment, special needs, etc.
Finding ways to differentiate resourses to support struggling schools that have amuch more difficult time due to their needy population. More science, art and music!
The district could improve in almost all areas, with the correct direction from the school board.
Communication and interaction with parents. I have often found district officials and staff (at least, prior to the term of Ardella Dailey) to be adversarial in their dealings with parents. Considering how much effort many dedicated parents put into supporting the school system, both financially and otherwise, this is really difficult to understand. Communication could be much, much better.
getting rid of XXX XXX, because she offfends teachers daily!
recognizing that students all learn differently, and that teachers are entitled to the proper tools and training to address all learning styles.
Continue to find ways to fund the "extras". Music, PE, Sports, Arts and all the things that help round a young person and allows them to experience new things. Don't "settle" for less when we always need to do more.
to decrease the amount of testing being given our kids. Teachers are spending far too much time testing instead of teaching.
Let's find a way to let parents with technology skills contribute to solve the technology challenges. There is no doubt that district technology resources are overloaded and stressed out, but it is such a shame to have expensive technology resources sit idle year after year. These resources can help kids learn. Parents want to help -- there must be a way we can do this! Of course, you only asked for one, but I can't resist sneaking in one more. I think the schools would function much more effectively with better planning -- there is too much last minute fire drill stuff. This is inefficient (and we don't have the resources to be inefficient) and stresses out teachers and administrators all of whom have more to do than they can really cope with. This is especially true for district-driven activities as well as helping our school principal group build this skill.
8. Respondents (multiple choices allowed)
Parents - 41
AUSD Employee Site - 7
AUSD Employee District - 4
Alameda Citizen without children in District - 23
Note: Employees will not be represented in this survey unless they sent me an EMail using an external mailbox address. I choose not to send this survey to AUSD employes whose only EMail address was a District EMail address.
Click here to take survey
Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: September 8, 2006
Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike
McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or
positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to
disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in my effort to advance understanding of education issues vital to a democracy. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.