
Mike McMahon AUSD
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AUSD Strategic Plan 2003-2008

Alameda Unified School District is in the process of developing a strategic plan. A group of 70 individuals representing teachers, parents, staff, administrators and community members have spent the past few months developing possible goals for AUSD. These goals were presented to focus groups to provide a check point for the participants. I took the goals and broke them into smaller statements and created a survey. The overall survey results and staff survey results are on separate web pages, while the parents survey results are below. Comments on the suvery are here: AUSD Strategic Plan Survey Comments

Parents Survey Results

Importance Grade Top 10
All classrooms are staffed with fully credentialed teachers. 3.3 B-
All classrooms are staffed with highly qualified teachers. 4.6 B- 1
All classrooms are staffed with teachers representative of the diversity of the student population. 3.1 C
All staff will receive training in effective educational practices. 4.2 C 3
Effective educational practices should be focused on eliminating the student achievement gap. 4.0 C 7
Effective educational practices should be focused on ensuring that all students are performing at grade level. 4.5 C 2
Effective educational practices should be focused on math and literacy. 4.4 C+ 5
Students will be directly involved in their education. 3.2 C+
Students will provide input to the decision making process regarding curriculum. 2.3 C
Parents will be directly involved in their children's education. 4.7 D+ 8
Parents will provide input to the decision making process regarding curriculum. 3.3 D+
Curriculum is connected to the real world of work and higher education. 3.9 C
The District has a comprehensive assessment system -- supported by technology. 3.6 C-
Progress is communicated to parents and students through clear and consistent grading system. 4.3 C 6
The comprehensive assessment will measure individual student performance. 4.0 C
The comprehensive assessment will measure individual teacher performance. 3.9 D+
The comprehensive assessment will measure individual school site performance. 3.9 C+
There will be a clearly defined core curriculum. 3.9 C
Each school site should be a physically safe and secure learning environment. 4.9 B- 4
There will be an equitable continuum of academic support services offered to all students. 4.4 C 9
Career and technical education is fully integrated into all schools. 3.6 C
There will be an effective communications system that promotes information exchange between teachers. 3.9 C
There will be an effective communications system that promotes information exchange between all District employees. 3.4 C-
There will be an effective communications system that promotes information exchange between the District and parents. 4.4 D+ 10
There will be an effective communications system that promotes information exchange between the District and the Alameda community. 3.6 D+

Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 21, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.