Franklin School Plan 2005/06Franklin Elementary School was a K-5 school with an enrollment of 281 in 2005/06. To review Franklin's state Academic Performance Index scores since 2000 click here. Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.Single School Plan ComponentsWhat Did You Learn from 2004/05 Cycle of Inquiry?
All subgroups of Franklin's students improved in ELA with the exception of our Asian population. Overall, we improved our Annual Measurable Objective score to exceed our goal. (55.3% in 03-04 to 75.1% in 04-05) Our Socioeconomically Disadvantaged (SED) subgroup scores improved. Our AYP goal was to improve the SED subgroup score by 7 points, and Franklin's SED focus group improved by 14.6 points. (35.4% in 03-04 to 50.0% in 04-05) According to subgroup data, our SED students' growth improved comparably with our traditionally higher achieving subgroup population during this school year. (SED 14.6% vs White 13.8%) This would indicate progress towards the closing the achievement gap. We chose to use formative Houghton Mifflin and Success Maker data to target instruction for strategic and interventions students during Universal Access time and whole group instruction. Franklin administrators and teacher leaders facilitated Cycle of Inquiry discussions using HMR assessments, and each grade level developed specific strategic teaching activities in ELA and listed their target students for improvement. Grade level progress follows: Knidergarten improved their target students' decoding of CVC words, although this group is still below their class average. First and second garde worked onpunctuation & capitalization, reading comprehension, and literacy response and anlaysis. Teachers felt their students made improvement; however, measurable post-data was not collected. Third grade increased reading comprehension according to teacher's verbal assessments and student showed improvement in their written response to literature. Fourth and fifth grade teachers chose to improve direct instruction for editing skills by using a common chart and strategies, although HMR tests provide inconclusive results. More consistent implementation and common assessments are needed in this area. Schoolwide, Successmaker reports showed improvement for targeted students. All staff implemented a new Word Wizard vocabulary program in the Spring. Data related to the impact of this program needs to be collected. Overall, Franklin needs to defin standard pre- and post-assessments to measure progress in our identified areas of concern. During the 2004-05 school year, Franklin's matched student set scores on the ELA CST show that 15% (17 of 116) moved from non-proficient to proficient range. 35% of our students increased at least one level in their performance band as compared to their performance the year before. Our weak ELA areas, as measure through HMR, are similar to those in the greater district. Thus, Franklin's staff development focus should correspond to district inservice and initiatives in these identified areas of need (vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing). Teachers are finding gaps in the HMR writing program and wish to address this through the Cycle of Inquiry. Fall 2005
Student Achievement Problem Statements
Teacher Practice Problem Statements
Student Achievement Questions
Teacher Practice Questions
Student Achievement Goals
Teacher Practice Goals
Franklin 2004/05 Single School Plan Franklin 2003/04 Single School Plan Franklin
4 Year District API Base DataDefinitions School Mobility Percent - Represents the percentage of students attending the school for the first time. Parent Education Average - The average of all responses where "1" represents "Not a high school graduate", "2" represents "High School Graduate", "3" represents "Some College", "4" represents "College Graduate" and "5" represents "Graduate School". School Classification Index - A mathematically computed index using other non academic API components to create indicator of similar demographics and school environment to be used for similar school rankings. Disclaimer: All data has been hand created. If there are questions about the validity of the data, please contact the webmaster.
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