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Lincoln School Plan 2005/06

Lincoln Middle School was a 6-8 school with an enrollment of 937 in 2005/06. To review Lincoln's state Academic Performance Index scores since 2000 click here.

Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.

Single School Plan Components

    What Did You Learn from 2004/05 Cycle of Inquiry?

    1. Looking at your data what general trends do you see? What does the data tell us about how the focus group did? How much progress did they make? How does this compare to growth of other subgroups? Is the student achievement gap closing?
    2. We still see an achievement gap. All groups/subgroups showed improvement on the CST, except for the Hispanic population in Math.

    3. What evidence/data do you have regarding the level of implementation of the teacher/instructional practice and/or schoolwide practice that you planned in your last Cycle of Inquiry? Include information about what was not implemented as well as what was implemented.
    4. The staff was not aware of a focused Cycle of Inquiry question. However, several of the objectives written down for teacher practice goals were initiated (training on Successmaker, REACH training, Literacy Coach, Prentice-Hall training, Advanced Math courses offered). Several objectives were not met (6 Trait Rubric, Direct instruction on test taking strategies, common definition/training on Differentiated Instruction). Some objectives were partially met (Teaming, Schedule teams, after-school EL program).

    5. What evidence do you have that your focus on these students has positively impacted their learning?
    6. Our overall scores are up.

    7. Is there anything else you learned in examining your data that will inform your revised problem statement?
    8. We are narrowing our focus to school wide literacy.

    Fall 2005

  1. What are your problem statements?
  2. Problem Statement

    Student Achievement Problem Statements

    • Of the 937 students at Linclon Middle School, approximately 280 (30%) are reading below grade level on CST-Language Arts. Within that group, there is a disproportionate number of SED (Socio Economically Disadvanataged) and EL (English Learners).
    • Of the 937 students at Linclon Middle School, approximately 280 (30%) are scoring below grade level on CST-Math. Within that group, there is a disproportionate number of SED (Socio Economically Disadvanataged) and African American/Hispanic students.

    Teacher Practice Problem Statements

    • Now that the intensive intervention program (REACH) is in place we need to focus our efforts and resources to refining the strategic core program and supporting implementation. We need to continue to refine the delivery of programs at all levels (REACH, Strategic, Benchmark/Advanced, ELD).
    • While our REACH core is running smoothly our strategic cores need a concrete curriculum and time for teacher collaboration. Additionally, all students show a lack of academic vocabulary which makes accessing the core curriculum in other subject difficult.
    • Now that the accelerated program (Algebra and Geometry) and math intervention program are in place, we need to focus our efforts and resources to supporting articulation between grade level math and math intervention.

  3. What are your inquiry questions?
  4. Student Achievement Questions

    • Are students in the intervention and strategic classes increasing their fluency rates to achieve grade level fluency of 150 words per minute of oral fluency?
    • Are students in the reading intervention and strategic classes increasing their comprehension as measured by internal assessments?
    • Are students in the REACH and ELD program advancing two or more grade levels in reading?
    • Are students increasing their knowledge of academic vocabulary across the curriculum?
    • Are our SED and El showing a 5% growth in thier CST ELA scores?
    • Are the students in our intervention program making growth in grade level math courses?
    • Are the students in accelerated courses scoring proficient?

    Teacher Practice Questions

    • To what degree are strategic core teachers collaborating to identify student need and curriculum to support those needs?
    • To what degree are teachers implementing the two content area literacy strategies of academic vocabulary development and the use of realia as agreed upon by the LMS leading faculty?
    • Do all teachers with EL students in their classes have their CLAD?
    • Are we in compliance regarding our ELD classes?
    • To what degree are grade level math and math teachers articulating?
    • To what degree are teachers of the accelerated course collecting data for the purpose of modifying instructional practices?
    • Do all math teachers know who their low-performing African-American/Hispanic students are?

  5. What are your measurable goals?
  6. Student Achievement Goals

    • From Fall 2005 to Spring 2006, students in the intervention and strategic classes will increase their individual oral fluency by at least 10%.
    • From Fall 2005 to Spring 2006, 50% of the students in the REACH program will exit the program.
    • From Fall 2005 to Spring 2006, 5% of the ELD students in the ELD program will advance one CELDT score value point.
    • From Fall 2005 to Spring 2006, we will have a minimum 5% shift of our Basic students to either Proficient to Advanced. In addition, within our target of SED and EL populations, we will see an overall 5% growth.
    • >
    • From Fall 2005 to Spring 2006, 75% stduents in our intervention program will achieve a "C" or higher in their general math course by the 3rd trimester.
    • At the end of the year 90% of the students in accelerated math courses will score proficient or higher on the CST.
    • 90% of the students in math accelerated courses will score 75% or higher on the District mid-year and final assessments.

    Teacher Practice Goals

    • During the 2005-06 school year, strategic core language arets teachers will meet a minimum of 3 times to identify student needs and design curriuculm to support those needs.
    • By Summer 2006, 90% of all teachers will implement the two content area literacy strategies of academic vocabulary development and the use of realia as as agreed upon by the LMS teaching faculty.
    • By Fall 2006, all teachers in EL students in their classrooms have their CLAD.
    • During the 2005-06 school year, math teachers will meet a minimum of 3 times to specifically coordinate the general and intervention math programs.
    • By Summer 2006, teachers of the accelerated courses will have collected data in two unit areas revised the pacing guide accordingly.
    • All math teachers will know their low-performing African-American/Hispanic students area.

  7. What are your major strategies?
    • Improve implementation of Reading Programs in all reading classes. This will include professional development, coaching, data collection and collaboration.
    • Teachers will use the agreed upon two literacy strategies of academic vocabulary and use of realia.
    • Improve articulation within all levels of the math department.

Lincoln 2004/05 Single School Plans

Lincoln 2003/04 Single School Plans


2002 2003 2004 2005
Base API 792 815 823 858
Number of Students Tested 844 856 887 886
State Rank 9 9 10 10
Similar School Rank 2 3 3 5
African American  Students Tested 30 38 41 47
African American Students API N/A N/A N/A N/A
Asian Students Tested 332 330 350 375
Asian Students API 844 857 877 892
Filipino Students Tested 46 50 48 44
Filipino Students API N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hispanic Students Tested 83 72 73 78
Hispanic Students API N/A N/A N/A N/A
White Students Tested 336 341 351 330
White Students API 798 827 841 872
SED* Students Tested 109 125 167 173
SED* Students API 715 732 733 762
% in Free or Reduced Price Lunch  12 14 19 18
% of English Language Learners  12 13 12 13
School Mobility Percent* 13 12 13 15
Parental Education Average* 3.79 3.75 3.81 3.73
School Classification Index* 177.72 178.47 180.15 181.34

4 Year District API Base Data


    School Mobility Percent - Represents the percentage of students attending the school for the first time.

    Parent Education Average - The average of all responses where "1" represents "Not a high school graduate", "2" represents "High School Graduate", "3" represents "Some College", "4" represents "College Graduate" and "5" represents "Graduate School".

    School Classification Index - A mathematically computed index using other non academic API components to create indicator of similar demographics and school environment to be used for similar school rankings.

Disclaimer: All data has been hand created. If there are questions about the validity of the data, please contact the webmaster.

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Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 8, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.