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Miller School Plan 2005/06

Miller Elementary School was a K-5 school with an enrollment of 200 in 2005/06. To review Miller's state Academic Performance Index scores since 2000 click here.

Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.

Single School Plan Components

What Did You Learn from 2004/05 Cycle of Inquiry?

  1. Looking at your data what general trends do you see? What does the data tell us about how the focus group did? How much progress did they make? How does this compare to growth of other subgroups? Is the student achievement gap closing?
  2. Our numbers in allsubgroups are very small. Among 71 students who were tested last year, 33 were African American. 6 were Hispanic, and 33 were White. We see a proficiency gap of 20 points between African American and White students. Ten percent more African American students were proficient in 05 than 04, and seven percent more White students were proficient. Overall, proficiency increased by 9 points. However, there is a 40% turnover rate in the school making it difficult to look at big trends.

    When looking closer at individual students, we see a greater disparity in achievement between students from Coast Guard and students from Alameda Point Collaborative housing.

  3. What evidence/data do you have regarding the level of implementation of the teacher/instructional practice and/or schoolwide practice that you planned in your last Cycle of Inquiry? Include information about what was not implemented as well as what was implemented.
  4. Our last Cycle of Inquiry was about getting structures in place to provide intervention and providing professional development to support the interventions, and collaboration among staff including classroom COIs. These plans were implemented early in the last cycle.

  5. What evidence do you have that your focus on these students has positively impacted their learning?
  6. last year, we focused on Title 1 students. While we set our goals very high and didn't make all our goals, we did make very substanial growth.

  7. Is there anything else you learned in examining your data that will inform your revised problem statement?
  8. Becuase the number of students tested is so small, the transiency rate is so high, and Coast Gurad/APC is a greater predictor of academic success than ethnicity, we feel that is makes sense to focus on Title 1 students.

Fall 2005

  1. What are your problem statements?
  2. Student Achievement/Teacher Practice Problem Statement

    Because of the constant transiency of this stduent population, the small number in ech subgroup, and that all subgroups are low performing, our target population will be the students as Title 1 students.

    Out Title 1 students continue to have achievement gaps in the area of phonics, fluency and comrephension.

    We see the vocabulary skills contribute to fluency and comprehension gaps that we as a staff have not addressed these skills in a collaborative manner.

  3. What are your inquiry questions?
  4. Student Achievement Questions

    • Are students learning the vacabulary we are teaching them through the 5 step process?

    Teacher Practice Questions

    • To what extent are teachers implementing the 5 step sequence ofteaching Tier II vocabulary words?
    • How often are teachers providing students with repeat exposure to Tier II vocabulary words?

  5. What are your measurable goals?
  6. Student Achievement Goals

      Among Title I Students,
    • 40% who are with for two test cycles, will move up 1 level or more on the CST-ELA
    • 75% in grades 2-5 will achieve proficiency on all subjects on the Phonics Decoding survey
    • 75% in K-1 will achieve proficiency on the Emerging Literacy Survey
    • 50% in grades 2-5 who are below grade level in fluency will make more than one year's growth

    Teacher Practice Goals

      Teachers will implement the 5-step Voacabulary Process.

  7. What are your major strategies?
    • Teachers will have time to share comprehension strategies
    • Teachers will implement 5 step vocabulary process
    • Teh intervention program will be monitored by the principal to ensure that the program is directly correlating with our measureable goals

Miller 2004/05 Single School Plan

Miller 2003/04 Single School Plan


2002 2003 2004 2005
Base API 707 773 781 769
Number of Students Tested 158 128 115 111
State Rank 6 7 7 6
Similar School Rank 4 8 10 9
African American  Students Tested 33 25 24 34
African American Students API 600 N/A N/A N/A
Asian Students Tested 5 7 5 3
Asian Students API N/A N/A N/A N/A
Filipino Students Tested 5 7 7 7
Filipino Students API N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hispanic Students Tested 21 12 3 11
Hispanic Students API N/A N/A N/A N/A
White Students Tested 75 64 56 43
White Students API 765 803 801 N/A
SED* Students Tested 78 55 77 66
SED* Students API 647 733 767 746
% in Free or Reduced Price Lunch  51 47 61 55
% of English Language Learners  6 8 5 2
School Mobility Percent* 29 18 30 20
Parental Education Average* 3.21 3.14 3.08 2.98
School Classification Index* 166.36 168.84 166.31 164.50

4 Year District API Base Data


    School Mobility Percent - Represents the percentage of students attending the school for the first time.

    Parent Education Average - The average of all responses where "1" represents "Not a high school graduate", "2" represents "High School Graduate", "3" represents "Some College", "4" represents "College Graduate" and "5" represents "Graduate School".

    School Classification Index - A mathematically computed index using other non academic API components to create indicator of similar demographics and school environment to be used for similar school rankings.

Disclaimer: All data has been hand created. If there are questions about the validity of the data, please contact the webmaster.

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Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 8, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.