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Ruby Bridges Single School Plan 2007/08

Ruby Bridges Elementary School was a K-5 school with an enrollment of 521 in 2007/08 that opened in September, 2006. This school was formed when three elementary schools (Lognfellow, Miller and Woodstock) were consolidated,

Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.

Single School Plan Components

What Did You Learn from 2006/07 Cycle of Inquiry?

  1. Looking at your data what general trends do you see? What does the data tell us about how the focus group did? How much progress did they make? How does this compare to growth of other subgroups? Is the student achievement gap closing?
  2. Spring 2007 was the first year that Ruby Bridges School participated in the statewide standardized testing program. Because this was our baseline year, there is no measurable growth from the previous year and no information about whether or not we were able to close the achievement gap.

    In the Fall of 2007, data from statewide testing was presented and discussed at several faculty meetings, grade level collaboration, the School Site Council (2 meetings) and the English Language Advisory Committee (1 meeting). We looked at whole school results and disaggregated data by race/ethnicity, gender and socio-economic level. The site Leadership Team led grade level discussions to analyze multiple measures data for current students in Grade 1-5.

Fall 2007

  1. What are your problem statements?
  2. Problem Statement

    More than half of our students (57%) are not proficient in reading/language arts, as measured by the CST. A significant achievement gap exists between the highest and lowest performing subgroups in the academic focus area, as well as in mathematics. It is a formidable challenge to address the range of academic needs in each classroom. Because we are only in our second year, we have begun to structure a school-wide framework to differentiate reading instruction and implement long- professional development on effective teaching strategies. We must continue and refine this work for the 2007-08 year.

  3. What are your inquiry questions?
  4. Student Achievement Questions

    Through on-going analysis of state-wide and local formative assessment data in language arts (AIMSWeb, HMR theme skills tests, phonics decoding), will we see gains in all subgroups, in particular, the lowest performing groups as we implement the ExCEL framework for leveled reading instruction? Which concepts and skills need further reinforcement?

    Teacher Practice Questions

    How do teachers differentiate reading instruction within the context of the ExCEL framework and school support programs? What additional steps are necessary to address the concepts and skills that need further reinforcement?

  5. What are your measurable goals?
    1. To increase the percent of students who are proficient in the CST-ELA by 5% overall.
    2. To close the gap on the CST-ELA between highest and lowest performing significant subgroups by 5%, while increasing the percent of proficient students.
    3. To increase by 5% the number of students who receive a proficient score on the district assessment tool determined by each grade level team for ExCEL.
    4. To develop a structure for differentiation of reading instruction in Grade K.
    5. To reduce the number of suspensions and office referrals by 20% from 2006-07 to 2007-08.
  6. What are your major strategies?
    1. Implement ExCEL framework for reading in Grades 1-5 to differentiate instruction for all students, from Far Below Basic to Advanced proficiency levels. Extend focus of language arts instruction to include explicit teaching of academic vocabulary and strategies to comprehend expository text. Explore ways to differentiate reading instruction in Grade K.
    2. Continue to implement researched-based programs to support students in reading, including Corrective Reading, Reading Mastery, Read Naturally, SIPPS and SuccessMaker.
    3. Work collaboratively with students, staff and families to continue to create a positive, safe, and engaging school climate conducive to optimal student achievement within and beyond the school day.

Ruby Bridges 2006/07Single School Plan

Since Ruby Bridges was formed as a result to merge three schools, here are the links to those 2005/06 Single School Plans.

Longfellow 2005/06 Single School Plan

Miller 2005/06 Single School Plan

Woodstock 2005/06 Single School Plan

Single School Plan Home


Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 7, 2007

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.