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Wood School Plan 2004/05

Wood Middle School was a 6-8 school with an enrollment of 704 in 2004/05. To review Wood's state Academic Performance Index scores since 2000 click here.

Disclaimer: Single School Plan were hand typed and transcribed from source documents. Please pardon the typos as the webmaster is a poor typist. While an effort was made to spell acronyms, here is a reference guide for those acronyms.

Single School Plan Components

Fall 2004

  1. What are your problem statements?
  2. Student Achievement Problem Statements

    • From our data, we have determined that there is a disproportiante number of PARI students who are Hispanic and Afro American. There are also no sufficient in-school and after school interventions/services in place to support all PARI students or students indange of PARI.
    • From Trimester 1 and Trimester 2 data (2003/04), we have determined that Hispanic and Afro-American PARI students currently enrolled in math and reading intervention classes did not significantly improve their Language Arts/Literature and math grades (from T1 and T2) and mid year math assessment scores.

    Teacher Practice Problem Statements

    • Our teachers need collaboration time and teacher partnerships to discuss instructional strategies and methodologies which will meet the targeted learning needs of our PARI students.
    • Our intervention teachers need collaboration time to discuss intervention strategies which will meet the targeted learning needs of our intervention students. We need consistent strategies in mathematics and reading to address the needs of students. We need a process for identifying intensive and strategic students before placing them in an intervention classes.

  3. What are your inquiry questions?
  4. Student Achievement Questions

    • Who are the Afro American and Hispanic students that are scoring below basic and far below basic in Language Arts and math, and what specific skill areas need improvement?

    Teacher Practice Questions

    • What proces is in place to provide data to teachers enabling them to make decisions around teacher practice and to meet the skill specific needs of targeted PARI students?
    • What teacher strategies are currently being implemented in the classroom to support content area literacy development for our PARI students?
    • What literacy strategies need to be implemented school wide and as an intervention for targeted students
    • What teacher strategies are currently being implemented in the classroom to support basic math skills?
    • Are teachers teams(in families) working to create units and lessons to meet content standards?

  5. What are your measurable goals?
  6. Student Achievement Goals

    • The number of PARI students moving from "basic" to "proficient" in math and Language Arts will increase by 10%. The number of PARI students moving from "far below basic" and "below basic" to "basic" or "proficient" will increase by 10%.

    Teacher Practice Goals

    • All teachers will implement content area literacy strategies in the classroom. Small learning communities will be a vehicle for teacher articulation of student expectations and needs across the curriculum and between grade levels.

  7. What are your major strategies?
    • Too detailed to capture.

Wood 2003/04 Single School Plan

2002 2003 2004
Base API 692 710 723
Number of Students Tested 727 735 738
State Rank 6 6 7
Similar School Rank 3 4 5
African American  Students Tested 76 86 93
African American Students API N/A N/A N/A
Asian Students Tested 190 212 213
Asian Students API 748 779 771
Filipino Students Tested 68 78 71
Filipino Students API N/A N/A N/A
Hispanic Students Tested 107 93 99
Hispanic Students API 612 N/A N/A
White Students Tested 241 211 202
White Students API 702 722 765
SDE* Students Tested 248 276 345
SDE* Students API 648 668 681
% in Free or Reduced Price Lunch  31 34 45
% of English Language Learners  22 24 19
School Mobility Percent* 13 14 13
Parental Education Average* 3.01 2.97 3.06
School Classification Index* 165.22 167.08 165.35

3 Year District API Base Data


    School Mobility Percent - Represents the percentage of students attending the school for the first time.

    Parent Education Average - The average of all responses where "1" represents "Not a high school graduate", "2" represents "High School Graduate", "3" represents "Some College", "4" represents "College Graduate" and "5" represents "Graduate School".

    School Classification Index - A mathematically computed index using other non academic API components to create indicator of similar demographics and school environment to be used for similar school rankings.

Disclaimer: All data has been hand created. If there are questions about the validity of the data, please contact the webmaster.

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Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 8, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.