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This an article of the 2000-2003 contract with teachers that are represented by the Alameda Education Association. Here the complete table of contents of the contract.



All provisions of the this Agreement shall equally apply to Child Development Center teachers, except as provided in this Article.

16.01 Work Year

16.01.01 The work year for unit members employed in the Child Development Center shall not exceed 245 days, including vacation time as earned.

16.02 Calendar

16.02.01 The calendar for each school year shall reflect paid holidays and be in coordination with the District master calendar, in compliance with the State Department of Education,

16.03 Vacation

16.03.01 As part of the total work year referred to in 16.101 above, members of the unit employed at the Child Development Center shall be entitled to paid vacation in accordance with the following schedule:

1 - 5 years of service - 25 days

6 - 10 years of service - 30 days

11 - 15 years of service - 31 days

16 - 20 years of service - 32 days

21 - 24 years of service - 34 days

25 or more years of service - 35 days

16.03.02 Vacation time shall be mutually agreed upon by the employee and the Center Director. In seeking vacation, the employee must make application in writing to the Director within ten (10) days of the time off. The Director shall respond in writing within five (5) days of the request.

16.03.03 In the event several teachers have requested time off during the same period and resolution is not reached, the Child Development Center Director's decision will be determined by the date the request for vacation was made.

16.03.04 Once requested vacation is approved, said vacation may not be interrupted except with the consent of the member.

16.04 Job Classification/Hours of Employment

16.04.01 Full-time hours of employment shall be 7.0. Lesser hourly assignments shall be paid pro rata.

16.05 Seniority List

16.05.01 Within the Child Development Center, a seniority list of teachers shall be made available upon request. A teacher rendering paid service to the District for 75% of the school days in any of the above-listed categories, and so renders such service for three (3) cumulative years, Child Development Center tenure shall be conferred upon such employee when he/she renders paid service on the first day of the fourth (4th) year.

16.06 Reduction in Force

16.06.01 In the event it becomes necessary to reduce the work force in Child Development Center, the established Seniority List shall prevail, the least senior shall be riffed first. If all or a majority of the presently employed teachers are full-time, and categories less than full-time are open at the time of proposed riffs, a teacher, in an effort to salvage some of his/her employment, may elect to drop to a lower category. If such downward movement occurs, and the program is reinstated within thirty-six (36) months and twenty-four (24) months for tenured and probationary respectively, said employees shall have automatic, preferential rights to reinstatement into their former category without loss of contractual benefits. If a teacher chooses to remain in the lower category, he/she shall so state in writing, and said position shall be made available for an employee with lesser seniority. No certificated teacher shall be riffed while classroom aides are employed above the minimum standards required by law.

16.07 Leaves

16.07.01 Article 5 (Leaves) of this Agreement shall apply to the Child Development Center teachers except that Child Development Center sick leave shall be on a monthly basis. Part-time teachers' sick leave shall be on a prorational basis in accordance with the assignment.

16.08 Assignments

16.08.01 Teachers shall be given their assignments in writing prior to September 1st of each year this Agreement is in force.

16.08.02 If after initial assignments are made and unanticipated events necessitate administrative changes in assignments, affected teachers shall be consulted and the reasons for such changes shall be communicated to the affected teachers in writing.

16.09 Class Size

16.09.01 Class size in the Child Development Center shall not exceed teacher/adult/student ratios as determined by State Department of Education guidelines.

16.10 Teacher/Aide Relationship

16.10.01 An interview committee shall be established for the screening of teacher aides; the teacher for whom the prospective aide is to be employed shall be consulted prior to permanent assignment of said aide.

16.10.02 In the event conflict arises between the teacher and the aide, and such conflict has the potential of negatively affecting the teacher's employment status, the teacher shall request in writing that an administrative conference of the parties and conferees be held within three (3) days of such request to resolve the problem.

16.11 Salary

The Child Development Center salary schedule is attached as Appendix C.

16.12 Preparation Time

One hour a week of teacher planning time will be arranged for Child Development Center teachers, except for teachers working a split shift. Teachers on a split shift will be entitled to a maximum of the equivalent of two (2) days preparation time per year, as authorized by the administrator. State licensing ratios will need to be maintained in this arrangement. The planning time will be established between each teacher and the Director as long as there is no additional cost to the program.

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Last modified: January 12, 2004

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.