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Recap for January 14 BOE Meeting

Link to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation

1.) Prop 39 Status Update

Background: Staff presented an update on the status of the Prop 39 offers to charter schools. The update contained potential scenarios for moving ACLC to Woodstock and Nea remaining in its current location or moving to Woodstock. A majority of Board members directed the Superintendent to negotiate a lease with the parent organization of ACLC/Nea. 

Fiscal Implications. None.

2. Measure A 2013 Annual Report

Background: Each year the Measure A Oversight Committee presents an annual report of Measure A expenditures.

Fiscal Implications: None.

3.1.75% Salary Increase

Background: A public hearing was held to insure there was enough notice prior to the Board of Education considering the proposed 1.75% annual raise that will be effective July 1, 2014. Board member McMahon proposed moving this item to the Consent Item portion of the agenda since it is clear there is unanimous support for this item and reassures teachers they will be getting their raise.

Fiscal Implications: None.

4.Teacher of the Year Launch

Background: The staff announce the launch of the Teacher of the Year process.

Fiscal Implications: None.