Recap for March 19 BOE MeetingLink to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation 1.) Approval of Tentative Agreement between Alameda Education Association and Alameda Unified School District Background: The Board vote 4 to 1 to approve the tentative agreement AEA and AUSD.Board Member McMahon voted no indicating that consistent with his disapproval of Superintendent's contract in 2011 and CSEA's contract in 2012, he could not approve any contract that creates permanent pay raises when revenues for the district are far below 2007/08. Fiscal Implications. None. 2.Evaluation of the Educational Initiatives Background: Staff presented a overview of the three major educational initiatives in Alameda. The three initiatives are Strategic Instructional Model (SIM), Inquiry by Design (IBD) and a Math Initiative. Fiscal Implications: None. 3. Review of English Language Learners Program Background: Staff presented a review of the educational progress by English Language Learners. Fiscal Implications: None 4. Tier III Program Review Background: Staff presented a review of the changes to Tier III as a result of the upcoming Local Control Funding Formula proposed by the Governor. Fiscal Implications: None. 5. Set Aside for Measure H Lawsuit Background: Staff recommended designating the $5.8 million as a setside for the outcome of the Measure H lawsuit.