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Measure C Projects Update Workshop Held on August 22, 2005


With the successful passage of Measure C in March, 2004, construction on approximately $80+ million was possible. The initial steps included a number of parallel activities that ultimately resulted the initial phasing for Measure C projects. The purpose of the workshop was update the Board on the progress of Measure C Projects, provide an overview of the economic factors impacting the construction industry, possible options for projected cost overrun at Haight and possible options of dealing future budget problems.

Measure C Project Updates

  1. Phase One
    • New School at Bayport
    • Site work has started and estimated to be complete around October 15, 2005. There is an outstanding issue regarding soil disposal. Options range from minimal cost if a deal can be worked out with the City to hundred of thousand dollars. The bid opening for school construction is scheduled for August 30th. If the bid exceeds the budget an immediate decision will need to be made if the school construction is to completed by the July, 2006 target.

    • Encinal High School Field Lights
    • After the initial contractor went out of business, the bonding company needed to replace the contractor. The bonding company has identified a new contractor and work is under way. There is a 50/50 chance the lights will be in place for the first home game on September 16th.

  2. Phase Two
  3. Phase Three

  4. 50% drawings for Paden, Otis, Edison, Washington and Lum will be completed by September 1st.

Ecomonic Factors Impacting the Construction Industry

Significant construction activity in California, rising costs for raw materials (cement, steel and gasoline) have dramatically increased the cost of construction.

Possible Options at Haight School

The significant amount of seismic work that is needed will be costly and time consuming. The staff presented options where the construction company would have full site access to school for the entire length of project. This would mean students would have to be transported to Woodstock school, which would be available when the new school at Bayport opens in 2006. The other option would have the work done over two summers (2006 and 2007) with changes to school calendar for the school site. The Superintendent will work with the principal to schedule a community at the Haight site to present these to the school community and receive input from them before making a decision in late September.

Possible Options for Future Budget Issues

The uncertainity of the bid amount on the new school, the projected cost increases at Haight and rapidlly increasing construction costs, the Board needs to address how it is going reallocate the remaining Measure C monies. The options include reducing the scope on the remaining projects, reducing budget for some future work at the remaining sites and/or not doing all of the work on the Historic Alameda High School. The Superintendent wil prepare a report on the level of work that has been/will be accomplished at each site. The Board will need to make a decision by late September.



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Last modified: August 22, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.