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Recap for September 23 BOE Meeting

Link to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation

1.) Cancellation of Cell Tower Contracts

Background: Resolutions calling for the termination of cell tower contracts at Maya Lin and Wood Middle School were approved.

Fiscal Implications. None.

2.) Public Hearing on Academy Charter K-5 Charter Petition

Background: The Academy of Alameda staff presented an overview of their proposal to open a K-5 charter school.

Fiscal Implications. None.

3.) Day 20 Enrollment Report

Background: Staff presented the Day 20 enrollment at the school sites.

Fiscal Implications. None.

4.) Summer School Report

Background: Staff presented a recap of summer school activities.

Fiscal Implications. None.

5.) Local Control Accountability Plan

Background: Staff presented an update on the steps for preparing the 2014/15 Local Control Accountability Plan.

Fiscal Implications. None.