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Recap for October 8 BOE Meeting

Link to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation

1.) 10 Steps to Success Annual Update

Background: Staff presented a recap of 2012/13 numbers associated with the 10 Steps to Success.

Fiscal Implications. None.

2. Measure A Oversight Committee Appointments

Background: The Superintendent presented her recommendations for appointment to the Measure A Oversight Committee starting in 2014.

Fiscal Implications: None.

3.Selection of Architect for Facilities Master Plan

Background: The Board approved a resolution to select QWA as the architect for the Facilities Master Plan.

Fiscal Implications: None.

4.Scope of the Facilities Master Plan

Background: The Board provided feedback to proposed scope of the Facilities Master Plan with this proposed timeline. At the October 22 meeting, there will be two proposals presented. The first proposal will be limited to scope from October 8 meeting and the second proposal will include additional items including evaluation of the Miller property, Eagle property, District office and charter school enrollment.

Fiscal Implications: None.

5.Review of Budget Multi Year Implications

Background: Staff presented a review of the potential impact of a 1.75% pay raise on the AUSD multi year budget.

Fiscal Implications: None.