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Recap for November 8 BOE Meeting

School District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items

1.) Highlighting Alameda Unified Schools: Island High School

Background: Staff presented a report on their 2010/11 accomplishments of its programs and its students.

Fiscal Implications: None.

2. Youth Homelessness Report

Background: Staff presented a report on the homelessness of Alameda students.

Fiscal Implications: None

3.) Presentation of Single School Performance Plans

Background: The Board received the 2011/12 plans from all of the schools who are not in program improvement. 

Fiscal Implications: None

4.) Report on District Support for Program Improvement Schools

Background: Staff provided a report on the District support for the three schools in Program Improvement.

Fiscal Implications: None.

5.) Emma Hood Lead Remediation

Background: Staff requested $130,000 to fix remove lead from the Emma Hood facility.

Fiscal Implications: $130,000 from the reserves.