Recap for November 19 BOE MeetingLink to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation 1.) Public Hearing - Prop 30 Funds Background: When Prop 30 passed the State wanted to ensure that revenues generated by additional taxes would not obligate the State to automatically increase funding to schools. So each school district is required to acknowledge Prop 30 funds will be an offset to LCFF funding received from the State. Fiscal Implications. None. 2. Local Control Funding Formula Overview Background: Staff presented an overview of the State funding of school called Local Control Funding Formula. Fiscal Implications: None. 3.Local Control Accountability Plan Overview Background: Staff presented an overview of the Local Control Accountability Plan which is a new required process to document how districts plan to spend funds generated by the LCFF, especially under supplemental grants for SED and ELL students. Fiscal Implications: None.