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Recap for November 27 BOE Meeting

Link to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation

1.) Recognition of Outgoing Board Members

Background: As a result of the November election results, Ron Mooney was recognized for his four years of service.

Fiscal Implications. None.

2. Special Education Disproportionatley Report

Background: Staff presented a report on the implications of the District being cited for having significant disproportionately representation of Afro Americans in special education.

Fiscal Implications: Restriction on uses of special education funds.

3.) Single School Plans

Background: Staff presented a review of the process to develop single school plans.

Fiscal Implications: None.

4.) Middle School Options

Background: As a result of approving certain magnet and innovative programs, staff presented the implications on middle school enrollment.

Fiscal Implications: None.

3.) Technology Plan

Background: In order to receive Federal and State dollars for technology, districts are required to develop a specific technology plan that is formatted by the State. Staff presented a draft Technology plan that will be approved in early February.

Fiscal Implications: Over a $500,000 of lost funding if not adopted.