BOE Meeting for January 9, 2006 1. Employee of the Month Background:: Each month the District recognizes employee nominated for Employee of the Month. This month the District honored: Strategic Significance: Goal #12 Communicaitons and Community Engagement 2. Budget Development Calendar for 2007/08 Background: The budget development calendar for 2007/08 was approved. Budget workshops with the employee groups representatives, management and the public in January and February. Spending reductions will be reviewed by the Board of Education at the two February Board meetings. In preparation for approving a list of budget reductions at the February 27 board of education meeting, the district will hold three community budget meetings to receive input from parents, employees, and the community. The first meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17, in the Encinal High School Cafeteria, 210 Central Avenue. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss district core values and goals as a framework for reallocating resources. The second and third community budget meetings will invite comments on a preliminary plan for reallocating resources for 2007-2010. They are scheduled for Monday, January 29, at 6:30 p.m., in the Lum School Multipurpose Room, 1801 Sandcreek Way; and Thursday, February 1, at 6:30 p.m., in the Longfellow Education Center, 500 Pacific Avenue (enter from Lincoln Avenue). Strategic Significance: Goals #12 Communications and Community Engagement
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