BOE Meeting for January 27, 2004 1. Report on 8th Grade Visit to College of Alameda Science and Technology Institute Background: At the October 14th BOE Meeting the approved a grant for formation of a Early College High School in partnership with the College of Alameda. In January 805 8th grade students were invited to the College of Alameda to inform of this unique educational opportunity. The College of Alameda officials were extremely impressed with the maturity of visting 8th graders and looked forward to having them on campus next Fall. 2. Report on WindRiver Sponsored ROP Training to Consumers Electronic Show Background: WindRiver Systems, Inc. offered 11 student scholarships to attend the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The scholarship included air fare, meals and conference fees for one day. UniGlobe Total Travel of Alameda waived commission on the air fare. While the trip was cut short due to security concerns at the airport, all of the students enjoyed the trip. 3. Report on McKinney Vento Homelessness Assistance Act Background: At the January 28th, 2003 BOE Meeting the Board received its first report on the McKinney Vento Homelessness Act and its implications. The district has secured a three year operational grant to supplement its efforts to ensure the educational rights and protection for children and youth experiencing homelessness. In the first year the grant will be used to increase awareness of the rights homelessness for the office managers and principals. Fiscal Implications: $75,00 per school year for 2003-2006, subject to annual authorization(one of 67 school districts in the state to receive the grant) 4. Calendar Report and Proposal Background: The calendar annual calendar process usual starts in September of each school year. Alameda Education Association (AEA) members had to select from three calendars for 2004/05. with 42% of the vote, the teachers selected 2004/05 Calendar. The Board approved the calendar. For additional background information on the events between September and January, go here. 5. Update on Strategic Plan Background: In June,2003 the Board of Education approved a Five Year Strategic Plan. Staff presented the second update on progress on first year goals .6. Proposed Amendment to Charter between Alameda Unified School (AUSD) and the Alameda Community Learning Center (ACLC) Background: ACLC requested the additional of a sixth grade class to their program. The Board of Education approved adding one sixth grade class for the 2004/05 school year. Fiscal Implications: Approcimately $125,000 in potential loss revenue 7. Report on Governor's Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2004-05 Background: The Governor's budget was released on January 9th. The Chief Financial Officer provided a written summary of current status of the budget. 9. Approval of Audit Report for Fiscal Year End June 30, 2003 Background: Each year the school district is required to review at a public meeting the annual audit of the school's district's financial records. The Board approved the audit. 10. Adoption of Board of Education Committee Assignments Background: The Board approved committee assignemnts. 11. PUBLIC HEARING: Algebra I Waiver Background: Education Code 51224.5 requires high school students to successfully complete Algebra I content standards as requirement for graduation. Staff is recommending change to District policy to update District policy. In addition, staff is recommending requesting a waiver for the Class 0f 2004 seniors who met specific criteria that the State Board of Education hass developed. This one year waiver allows approximately 50 seniors to receive their diplomas.
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