BOE Meeting for March 8, 2005 1. Appointment of Acting Director of Special Education Background: The former Director of Special Education resigned in February, 2005 to take a job with the Saddleback School District. The selected candidate as Acting Director of Special Education is Theresa Anderberg. The Board approved therecommnedation. 2. Title II, Part B Math/Science Partnership Grant Report Background: Alameda Unified has collaborated with Hayward Unified and the Alameda County Office of Education in the development of a mathematics partnership grant. The Strategic and Intensive Mathematics Initiative (SIMI) has been awarded $993,247 for this one year program. This program is designed to build teacher capacity and leadership for math in grades 5 through Algebra I. The county staff which is managing the projct have selected Shayne Fleming, Encinal High School, and Teri Elkin, Chipman Middle School as coaches for the coing year. Shayn and Teri will begin their coaching training this Spring, and will co-teach the summer institutes with professors from Cal State Unviersity East Bay. Fiscal Implications: None, all work will be funded from the grant. 3. 2004/05 Strategic Plan Implementation and Accomplishments Report Background: In June 2003 Alameda Unified School District adopted a strategic plan. An entire copy of the document is here: AUSD Strategic Plan. Here is a high level summary of the key components and year one goals and accomplishments. Staff will presented an update on 2004/05 goals. 4. Measure A Fiscal Oversight Committee Report Background: The oversight committee for Measure A meets four times a year The committee will provided a report on Measure A expenditures.
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