BOE Meeting for March 28, 2006 1. Employee Recognition: California School Employee Association (CSEA) State Award >Background: The California School Employee Association (CSEA) State annually recognizes a "CSEA Officer of the Year" for the North Bay Field office, which is a region from San Jose to the Oregon border. Karen Keegan, Co-President of CSEA Chapter 27, was only the officer of the year recognized this year. Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement 2. Announcement of Intention to Rename AHS Little Theatre in Honor of Fred Chacon Item Type: Information (10 minutes) Background: The Alameda High School community is requesting the Alameda High School Theater be renamed in honor of Fred Chacon. This item is the pubic announcement of the intent to rename the Little Theater in honor of Mr.Chacon and initiates a 90 day public comment period. Representatives from the Alameda High School community requested the 90 day public comment period be shorten in order for the graduating seniors be able to participate in naming ceremony before graduation. The Board directed staff to prepare a consent item on the next agenda to shorten the public comment period for Board approval. Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement 3. Approval of the Second Interim Item Type: Action (10 minutes) Background: Twice during the fiscal year, the Board is required to submit a financial report certifying the district's ability to meet its financial obligations. The second interim shows a net increase of $100,00 to projected end of year general fund balance from the first interim. The Board approved the second interim. Strategic Significance: Goals #1-12 - All 4. Academic Index Performance Item Type: Information (30 minutes) Background: The Academic Performance Index (API) continues to be the central focus of the California State Testing and Accountability system. The reporting of API data also includes breakdown of performance of subgroups and comparisons to similar schools. Strategic Significance: Goal #4 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment 5. Approval of Resolution No. 06-4020 Intent to Dismiss Classified Employee, California School Employees Association, Offcie Tech Unit Item Type: Action (10 minutes) Background: California Education Code 45117 sets fort dates and procedures by which the Board of Education must express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of services and give notice to classified employees that their service may not be required for the ensuing school year. The Board approved the resolution as presented. Fiscal Implications: $144,000 in savings Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention 6. Approval of Resolution No. 06-4021 3939 Intent to Dismiss Classified Employee, Public Employees Union - Local One Item Type: Action (10 minutes) Background: California Education Code 45117 sets fort dates and procedures by which the Board of Education must express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of services and give notice to classified employees that their service may not be required for the ensuing school year. The Board approved the resolution as presented. Fiscal Implications: $125,000 in savings Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention
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