BOE Meeting for April 26, 2005 1. Reconfiguration of Drop Off/Loading Zone at Lincoln Middle School in Conjunction with Safe Routes to Schools Background: To mitigate traffic safety problems on Fernside Boulevard, the City of Alameda insitituted some traffice calming procedures a number of years ago as a test. Lanes were narrowed by "bulb outs" created by striping and additional crosswalks were added. As these measures appeared to have the desired effect, a grant under the Safe Routes to Schools Program was requested from the State to make the temporary measures permanent. A Loading/Drop off Zone on the Lincoln Middle School was proposed to alleviate this traffic and student safety problem. The initial design for the drop off zone was then amended to extend all the way to San Jose Avenue after discussions with the City. A traffic light at that intersection would allow controlled student crossing and also allow for better traffic flow in the southern direction on Fernside. The proposed project would require shortening th play area by 37 ft as shown on this drawing. A full size high school soccer field can still be comfortably laid out on the field. The Board directed staff to conduct a safety study. The approval of a drop off zone will not be made until the safety study is completed. Fiscal Implications: No General Fund impact. Bond and State modernization funds will be used. Strategic Significance: Goal #10 Safe Learning Environment 2. Report on ROP TV/Media Course Background: The ROP/TV Media course combines classroom work and experience with producing and editing video programs for local broadcast. David Smeltzer share some of the highlights of the program. Strategic Significance: Goal #11 Vocational, Career and Adult Education 3. Approval of English Language Development Curriculum Grades 9-12 Hampton Brown High Point Background: A public hearing was held to adopt the Hampton Brown High Point for use with new English learners in grades 9-12. The Board adopted the High Point curriculum. Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Curricular Coherence & Effective Instruction 4. Approval of Audit Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004 Item Type: Action (30 minutes) Background: A new audit firm, Vavrinek, Trine, Day and Company presenedt the audit and answered questions. The Board approved the audit. Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12 Strategic Plan 5. Report on Graduation Certificates vs. Diploma Requirements Item Type: Information (30 minutes) Background: Until the 2003-04 school year, the high school graduation requirements were as follows:
Beginning with the class of 2004, the state required that successful completion of Algebra I (10 credits) be one of the two-year requirements in Math. Waivers for completion of Algebra I were authorized last year with the state making it clear completion of Algebra I wer authorized last year making it clear that those waivers will no longer be permissible for the graduating class of 2005. This year approximately 30 students have not passed Algebra I. They are currently enrolled in classes and staff indicates 3 to 5 students may not pass the class at this time. In addition to earning a minimum of 230 credits, students also needed to pass the district profciency test (to be replaced by the California High School Exit Exam in 2006) and complete a Senior Project, Senior Portfolio, and 20 hours of community service to receive a diploma. Alameda Unified School District has never given a high school diploma to anyone who has not successfully met all of the graduation requirements, nor has any provision been made to allow these students to participate in the graduation ceremony. The only exception has been the Severely Handicapped (SH) students whose Individual Education Plans allow them to participate in the graduation ceremony and receive a Certificate of Completion (not a high school diploma) even though have not fully met the graduation requirements. Staff recommended maintaining past practice and hold to the same standards.
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