BOE Meeting for April 29, 2003 Prior to the agenda items during staff reports, a progress report was made on the negotiations regarding a possible furlough. CSEA and Local One had agreed to meet individually to negotiate for a possible, while ASCA agreed to meet individually or jointly with other employees groups to negotiate. AEA has indicated they do not want to meet to negotiate a possible furlough. 1. Proclamation in Recognition of Audrey Lord-Hausman Background: Audrey Lord-Hausman is the 2003 recipient of Alameda PTA Council's Founder's Day Award, the Golden Oak Award. Audrey's active involvement serving youth includes her role as city staff on the Alameda Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families, an active volunteer for Pedestrian Friendly Alameda and promotion of Keep Kids Alive-Drive 25. 2. Approval of Even Start Grant Application Background: The Even Start Grant was originally granted in July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2003. This is a second cycle application and will be used to continue funding an already existing program. The grant requires LEA (AUSD) and a CBO to apply as co-applicants. Xanthos, Inc. is the CBO-applicant. AUSD is the fiscal agent. Over past four years the program has served over 200 families. Fiscal Implications: Grant award is $150,000 per year for four years. Board approved the application. 3. Assessment Updates Background: California High School Exit Exam- The class of 2004, current 11th grade (approximately 815 students), is the first class required to pass the California High School Exit Exa (CAHSEE) in order to graduate from high school. The first year's cycle of testing has been completed with 82% of AUSD students passing the English Language Arts portion and 70% passing the Mathematics portion of the test. Students must pass both tests in order to receive a high school diploma. The students who have yet to pass are 24% English Language Learners, 30% economically disadvantaged and 31% special educaiton students receiving services. Also included are students (approximately 60) who have never attempted the exam. Students have a total of 9 testing opportunities before the end of their senior year. Students who have not passed the CAHSEE are required to attend support classes which are offered as an elective during the school day, before or after school tutoring assistance and a summer school course. API Base 2002- 4. Report on the Alameda Unified School District (Alameda Enterprise)/ROP Partnership with Alameda Chamber of Commerce Item Type: Information (10 minutes) Background: The Regional Occupation Program has entered into a partnership with the Alameda Chamber of Commerce. This partnership will provide summer externiships and internships for our staff an students repsectively, immediate access to business directory database for career and techinal education opportunities and collabrotation on career and technical education projects and activities in the fall. This item was removed from the agenda due an illness of the Chamber of Commerce member. 5. Consideration of Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) Proposition 39 39 Request Background: At the March 25th Meeting Item 6, the Board directed that staff work with BASE to return with an alternative proposal that would be acceptable to the BASE Board. The alternatives being considered are:
The Board approved a motion to offer one older portable with a second older portable being placed upon enrollment reaching 90 ADA. BASE has 30 days to review the offer. If they reject the offer, a dispute resolution process outlined in Prop 39 would be started. 6. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Visitation Report: Alameda High School, Encinal High School and Adult School Background: WASC is not a policing organization but one who's purpose os foster excellence in elementary and secondary education by encouraging school improvement thorugh a process of continuing evaluation and to recognize, by accreditation, schools which meet an acceptable level of quality. WASC may recommend one of the following accreditations: a.) a full 6 year, b.) full 6 year with a mid-term review, c.) less than 6 years or d.) denial of accreditation. All three schools will receive notification this summer from WASC regarding their recommendation. 7. Budget Update: Preliminary Budget Report Background: A preliminary Budget Report will be provided using asumptions from the Alameda County of Education regarding the Governor's proposed 2003/04 budget from January. For a review of the 2003/04 budget compared to prior years go to AUSD 2003/04 Budget. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution#03-3776 Approval of Certification of Requirements of Education Code 60119 for Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Program for Grades K-12 for FY 2002-2003 Background: Resolution No. 03-3776 certifies that the District has adhered to all laws and to all State Board of Education rules, regulations and policies regarding the purchase of instructional materials. The Board approved the resolution. 9. Overview of Local Edcuation Agency (LEA) Requirements Background: The Local Education Agency Plan (LEA Plan) is mandatd by No Child Left Behind (NCLB), Section 1112. CA Dept of Education FAQ Webpage This plan, which is due to the State on June 1, 2003, is a five year operational plan which must be updated by the District annually. It is meant to be a single, comprehensive plan describing the focus of raising the academic performance of all students. The Plan will address our efforts to meet five performance goals of NCLB:
The overview was presented to prepare the Board for a presentation on May 27th, where the Board needs to approve the LEA Plan for submission to the State by June 1. 10. PUBLIC HEARING: Disctrict Reopeners for the Successor Contract to the 2001-2003 Contract Between AUSD and the Alameda Education Association Background: As part of the opening of contract negotiations between the District and the Alameda Education Assocation (AEA), each side is required to submitted their initial proposals for public input. At the March 11th Meeting, Item 13, AEA's initial proposals was approved by the Board. At this meeting, the District is presenting their initial proposal. The District intends to propose the following changes to the contract. Article 2: Negotiation Process The District will seek greater flexibility, cooperation and collaboration in the negotiation process. This would include, among other things, a return to CFIER interest-based bargaining methods, which includes the creation of a common record of the negotiations. Article 3: Association Rights The District will seek changes to this article that will make it easier for teachers and site administrators to identify and apply the Association's rights; and that will balance those rights against the District's need for prudent financial management. Article 4: District Rights This article should be re-written to identify explicitly and clearly management accountability and the means and methods by whihc management can ahieve its responsibilities. Article 5: Leaves The District will seek changes to this article to bring in line with the requirements of the Education Code and applicable law, to streamline the leave taking process by using paid time off and similar approach to leaves, to reduce administrative burdens and costs, and to clarify management accountability. Article 6: Grievance Procedure The District will seek a more precise description of the circumstances udner which a grievance may be filed and a more carefully delineated grievance process. The District desires to eliminate unnecessary grievances, to reduce the number of grievances that must be filed and to find efficient and cost-effective ways to resolve grievances. Article 8: Teaching Hours The District wishes to comform this article with article 14; to ensure that teachers have adequate time for curriculum development, collaboration, professional development and other professional duties that will benefit the District's school children; to develop an alternative to in lieu time; and to make changes that reduce administrative burdens and costs and increase efficiency. Article 9: Class Size The District wishes to re-visit average and maximum class sizes; to confirm class size reduction with the law; and, generally, to attain flexibility in the staffing of the classroom so that the greatest benefit can be provided to students. Article 10: Transfer The District wishes to make changes to this article that will enable it to meet its obligations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act and that will calarify the rights and obligations of teachers and administrators. The District's goal is to bolster management accountability under the law and to provide its students with the best classroom experience within the District's fiscal constraints. Article 11: Evaluation The District will seek to clarify the application of this article to non-instructional positions, to clarify the evaluation process, and to ensure that the process complies with District's legal obligations. Article 12: Health and Welfare Benefits The District wishes to continue to provide teachers with a benefits package that is extensive but fiscally prudent so that is can continue to attract and retain good teachers. Article 13: Teacher Safety The District will seek admendments to this article that will continue to promote teacher safety without creating redundancies and excessive financial and adminstrative burdens. Article 14: Salaries The District wishes to continue to provide its teachers with salaries and other compensation that will allow it to attract and retain the best teachers possible within the bounds of fiscal prudence. Article 15: Early Retiremnet Incentive Program The District seeks to ensure that this article complies with existing law and provides adequate but fiscally prudent incentives for early retirement. Article 16: Child Development Center The District intends to seek modifications to this article that will provide its Child Development Center teachers with the benefits and recognition commensurate with their position. Article 17: Mentot Teacher Program The District will propose to eliminate this article. Article 19: Summer School/Intersession The District will propose the eliminate the class size restrictions in this article. Article 22: Adult School The District will seek modifications to this article that will provide for appropriate evaluations and conform to other provisions in the agreement. Article 23: Year Round Edcuation. The District will propose to eliminate this article. Article 28: Peer Assistance and Review Program The District will seek to bring compensation for consulting teachers participating in this program in line with its fiscal goals and define more clearly the roles and obligations of the program. In addition to the above, the District intends to propose changes to the language of theses and other articles that will not change the substance of the agreement but will make it clearer and easier to understand. The Board accepted the openers and will need to approve them at the next meeting.
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