
BOE Meetings
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Agenda for May 9, 2006

1. Employee of the Month

Background: Each month the District honors who are nominated for Employee of the Month. This month we recognized: Rebecca Snyder, Math/Science CORE Teacher, Chipman Middle Schoo.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

2. Fiscal & Crisis Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) Report

Background: Alameda Unified School District requested that a Fiscal & Crisis Management Assistance Team conduct a fiscal health analysis of the District General, Caferteria and Child Development Funds.

The FCMAT report contains 14 recommendations:

    Enrollment and ADA

  1. Consider hiring a professional demogrpaher to establish a baseline for the district's current and future enrollment projections to include the following:
    • Migration patterns in\out of schools
    • Retention in same grade
    • Changes in school programs
    • Drop-outs, interdistrict transfers, etc.
    • Birth rates
    • Residential housing starts
  2. Begin tracking developer fees by address and establish a database that cna be cross matched by address with the district's SASI student files.
  3. Position Control

  4. Fully implement the APTA position control software module for the 2005-06 fiscal year.
  5. Develop a security protocol regarding internal controls for APTA position control and absence tracking modules.
  6. Perform multiyear scenarios to include increase compensation. The district's multiyear financial projections (MYFP) does not include additional compensation costs for the two fiscal years of the projection.
  7. Collective Bargaining

  8. Consider incorporating into the collective bargaining agreement language on known factors that can be budgeted accurately.
  9. Retiree Health Benefits

  10. Hire a professional actuary and prepare an acturial report. In accordance with Governmental Accounting Standard Board Statement No. 45 (GASB 45), Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Post-Employment Benefits Other Than Pension was issued on June 21, 2004.
  11. Facilities

  12. Hire a consultant with the appropriate expertise concerning rebate and penalty calculation services and potential arbitrage rebate reserve requirements.
  13. Hire a temporary accounting position to fulfill the project accounting requirements for all facility projects. Funding for this type of project personnel can be funded out of bonds proceeds.
  14. Multi Year Financial Projection

  15. Perform the proper analysis to evaluate staffing adjustments for future consideration when completing MFYP.
  16. Continue to ensure that categorical programs and other funds do not exceed revenues or increase encroachment on the general fund.
  17. Complete detailed MYFPs for the general fund as required.
  18. Provide staff members with staff development training on how to use miultiyear projection software.
  19. Utilize MYFPs for all significant financial proposals to evaluate their long-term impact for collective bargaining.

The item was pulled due to an unexpected illness of the presenter.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 1-12 Strategic Plan

3. Miracle League Baseball League

Background: In 1998 Rockdale Youth Baseball Association formed the Miracle League to further its mission of providing opportunities for all children to play baseball regardless of their ability


As of April, 2006 there are 143 Miracle League organization across the country.

Alameda residents Roberta Rockwell and John Newton are proposing to use one of the District's location to establish a Miracle League field in Alameda. After an initial meeting with the Superintendent and the Director of Maintenance, Operations and Facilities, they will be making a presentation for the Board of Education and the public.

The Board directed staff to prepare a resolution of support.

Fiscal Implications: None

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

4. Even Start Family Literacy Program Update

Background: Even Start is an education program for low income families that is designed to improve the academic achievement of parents and their young children, especially in the area of reading.

Through grant funding the Even Start program has been in Alameda Unified School District since 1999-2000. This year approximately $200,000 of grant funds supported the program.

265 families were served last year from 29 countries. Families stay in the program an average of 18 months.

Strategic Significance: Goal #5 - At Risk Students

5. MiKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Program Update

Background: The district has a three year McKinney Vento operational grant fpr 2003-2006. A three year grant proposal ($150,000/year requested) has been submitted to cover 2006-2009.

Alameda has a 2% homeless student population.

Strategic Significance: Goal #5 - At-Risk Students

6. Cycle of Inquiry Process Report

Background: The Cycle of Inquiry (COI) is the process for continuous improvement. Each school has used this for three years as a model for developing and implementing its Single School Plan.

In response to the concern that only a few teachers were able to participate and learn from the COI prompts, Educational Services administrators decided to facilitate protocols this spring at the individual sites. In doing so, the goal is to support the sites in building understanding and support for implementing their site plans.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Circular Coherence & Effective Instruction

7. Approval of Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators

Background: The Commission on Teacher Credentialing, with the approval of the Title 5 Regulations has granted the right for districts to use general waiver requests. These requests pertain to Education Preparation and Credentialing.

Each year estimates the number of positions it may need waivers for.

The Board approved the declaration.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention#

9. Title II, Part B, Math/Science Parternship Program

Background: At the 10/25/2005 BOE meeting staff presented information about the grant for a partnership with Hayward Unified School District and California State University East Bay to implement Math curriculum.

Staff will provided an update on the partnership.

For examples of the work being done go the Alameda County of Education wesbite http://www.acoe.org/math.

Fiscal Implications: $200,000 one time annual grant

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Circular Coherence & Effective Instruction



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 20, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.