BOE Meeting for October 25, 2005 1. Public Appointment of the Chief Financial Officer Background: The former Chief Financial Officer resigned on September 30, 2005. Luz Cazares has been selected by the Interim Superintendent. The Board approved the selection. Strategic Significance: Goal #3: Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Rentention 2. Measure C Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Report Background: On March 2, 2004, Alameda voters approved Measure C. The bond measure under provisions of Proposition 39 which required the formation a Measure C Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee. The major responsibility of committee is to: a.) no bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure C; and b.) no proceeds are used for any teacher or administrator salaries or other operating expenses. The report from the committee confirmed all expenditures to date have been spent on projects listed in the ballot measure. The committee also recommended the reappointment of all members whose term expired in June, 2005. Strategic Significance:Goal #10: Safe Schools 3. Measure A Fiscal Oversight Committee Report Background: On June 7, 2005, extended Measure A for another 7 years at $189 a year. The Committee will give a report. Richard Heaps was out of town so the this agenda item was deferred until next meeting. Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12: Strategic Plan 4. Strategic Intervention Math Initiative (SIMI) Report Background: AUSD recieved a grant for professional devleopment in content area for 5th, 6th and 7th and Algebra mathematics teachers. The primary focus was to improve instructional methods targeted for Afro-Americans, Hispanic, amd socio-economic disadvantaged students. Strategic Significance: Goal #: 1 Curricular Coherence and Effective Practices and Goal #2 Staff Development 5. Resolution 05-3996 In Opposition to Proposition 74 Background: The California School Board Association has come out against two propositions in this year's Special Election. The two propositions are Prop 74 and 76. Prop 74 would effect teaching tenure and dismissal. The Board approved the resolution. Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement 6. Resolution 05-3997 In Opposition to Proposition 76 Background: The California School Board Association has come out against two propositions in this year's Special Election. The two propositions are Prop 74 and 76. Prop 76 would effect state finances and guaranteed fudning for schools. The Board approved the resolution. Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement 7. Approval of Board Policy BP 6146.1 High School Graduation Requirements/Standards of Proficiency Background: In 2006, students are required to pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). This revised policy servces to delineate minimum state requirements for earning a high school diploma while simultaneously outlining district requirements for alternative certificates that student attainment of district-established minimum graduation standards. After Board discussion, staff was directed to make some wording changes and submit on the consent calendar for the next meeting. Strategic Significance: Goal # 5, At Risk Students 8. Personnel: District Openers for a New Three Year Contract - California School Employees Association (CSEA) - Office/Technical and Paraprofessional Unit Background: The District and the California School Employees Association (CSEA) have a contract that expired on June 30, 2005. CSEA openers openers were approved at the August 9th meeting. The District is submitting their opener for a second read at this meeting.
The Board approved the openers. Strategic Significance: Goal # 3, Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention 9. Revised Board Bylaws BB9100: Annual Organizational Meeting, BB 9110 Terms of Office, BB9220 Governing Board Elections Background: In August, both the Board of Education and the Alameda City Council approved ballot language that removed all references to the Board of Education from the City Charter. This initiative was known as Measure F, and was passed by Alameda voters. While the passage of Measure F removed references to the District from the City Charter, there are still changes that need to be made to the District Board Bylaws to complete the transition. The following Board Bylaws have been identified by staff as those needing revisions: BB 9100 – Annual Organizational Meeting BB 9110 – Terms of Office BB 9220 – Governing Board Elections The Board approved the recommended changes and directed staff to develop policy updates for filling vacancies and staggering terms of the elected Board members. Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement
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