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BOE Meeting for May 23, 2006

1. Public Appointment of Chief Human Resource Officer

Background: The present Interim Chief Personnel Officer's assignment ends June, 2006. The Superintendent will present her recommendation to fill this position.

The Board approved the Superintendent recommendation of Brandon Kreuger as the new Chief Human Resource Officer.

Strategic Significance: Goal #3: Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

2. Recognition of Student Board Members

Background: The Board of Education recognized the service of the three student board members:

  • Delenie Wong - Alameda High School
  • Jack Newton - Encinal High School
  • Sarah Lopes - Island High School

Strategic Significance: Goal #12 - Communications and Community Engagement

3. School Assistance Intervention Team (SAIT) Final Report

Background: Action Learing Systems was selected as the SAIT state-approved provider for Chipman Middle School. They presented reports at the Nov. 22 BOE Meeting and Feb. 14 BOE Meeting.

Action Learning Systems presented their final report. Chipman has met the necessary levels of compliance for all nine areas.

Strategic Significance: Goal #5 - At Risk Students

4. Report on Rotary Club Community Grants to AUSD Programs

Background: The Rotary Club of Alameda lends financial support to a number of AUSD programs. Grants range from $150 to $1000. They presented an overview of the various projects they support.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 12 - Communications and Community Engagement

5. Wellness Policy Development Information

Background: Dr, Anthony Iton is the Alameda County Health Officer. He provided background on wellness and developments related to wellness policy development across Alameda County.

Jaime Hinzke, from Peralta PTA provided information about the PTA perspective and activies related to Wellness Policy develpoment.

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Cirricular Coherence and Effective Practices Goal #10 Safe Schools and Goal #12 Communication and Community Engagement

5. AUSD Draft Wellness Policy Update

Background: The federal Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 includes a provision requiring all school districts participating in any federally funded child nutrition program to establish a locally developed policy by June 30, 2006 for implementation by the beginning of the 2006-07 school year.

The school district policies must address:

  • goals for nutrition education
  • goals for physical activity
  • nutrition guidelines for all foods available at school
  • goals for other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness
  • assurances that school meals guidelines are not less restrictive than federal requirements
  • plans for evaluating implementation of the policy

The development of the local school wellness policies must involve:

  • parents
  • students
  • school food service staff
  • the school board
  • school administrators
  • the public

The committee will be presented a draft of the AUSD's Wellness Policy.

Here is an additional report on Calories In, Calories Out: Food and Exercise in Public Elementary Schools, 2005, a National Center for Education Statistics report.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown

Staff Recommendation: Receive

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 Cirricular Coherence and Effective Practices Goal #10 Safe Schools and Goal #12 Communication and Community Engagement

7. Approval of Contract with IST Management Services for Copy, Print and Mail Services

Background: After a Request for Proposal was sent out in April, the Evaluation Committee reviewed the proposals. The Committee is recommending IST Management Services, Inc. Below is the pricing comparisons from the vendor proposals:

IST $439,159
Lanier $234,494
IKON $479,474
Xerox 1 $573,315
Xerox 2 $472,496
Kinko's $379,388

The Board approved the selection of IST Management Services.

Fiscal Implications: $439,159 annually based on 2005 copy volumes

Strategic Significance: Goal #1 - Curricular Coherence & Effective Practices

9. Resolution 04-4036 - Intent to Dismiss Classfied Employee, CSEA - Paraprofessional Unit

Background: California Education Code Section 45117 set forth dates and procedures by which the Board of Education must express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of service and give notice to classified employees that their services may not be required for the ensuing school year. The action taken is needed due to the closure of Longfellow Elementary school.

The positions being eliminated is Special Education Paraprofessional, RSP and Computer Paraprofessional.

The Board approved the resolution.

Fiscal Implications: $23,000

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention

10. Resolution 04-4037 - Intent to Dismiss Classfied Employee, CSEA - Office/Technical Unit

Background: California Education Code Section 45117 set forth dates and procedures by which the Board of Education must express its intent to reduce or discontinue particular kinds of service and give notice to classified employees that their services may not be required for the ensuing school year. The action taken is needed due to reduction in Title I funds at Haight Elementary Schoo.

The position being eliminated is Clerical Program Assistant.

The Board approved the resolution.

Fiscal Implications: $8,800

Strategic Significance: Goal #3 Staff Recruitment, Assignment and Retention



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 20, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.