
BOE Meetings
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BOE Meeting for May 25, 2004

There were four teachers who spoke on negotiations.

Permission to solicit bids were approved under the consent items for the following projects for Summer 2004:

  • Replacement of Two Portables at Chipman Middle School
  • Replacement of Two Portables at Lincoln Middle School
  • Pavement Repair at Franklin Elementary School
  • Pavement Repair at Longfellow Elementary School
  • Pavement Repair and Exterior Painting at Bay Farm Elementary School
  • Repair/Replace Fencing at Earhart Elementary School
  • Repair/Replace Fencing at Otis Elementary School
  • Repair/Replace Fencing at Wood Middle School
  • Install Lights at Encinal High School

1. Recognition of Outgoing PTA Council President, David Forbes

Background: Outgoing PTA President, David Forbes who served as PTA Council for three years was recognized for his accomplishments. David's work on establishing relationships between east end and west end schools, walk and roll to school program and recogntion luncheon for District office personnel are a few examples of the he has done.

2. Approval of Student Task Force Community Service Handbook

Background: In 2003 the Alameda Teen Action Council (ATAC), undertook a project on the Community Service Requirement program in the high schools. As a result as task force consisting of Alameda High, Encinal, Bay Area School of Enterprise, St. Josephs, Alameda Community Learning Center and ATAC created a Community Service Handbook.

The handbook was reviewed for approval and distribution at the beginning of each school year with middle school to be included.

FOr listing of community service opportunities visit The Alameda Youth Collaborative.

3. Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) Visitation Report


Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) visitation report was presented. According to California Education Code, the District must conduct an annual visit and review all relevant data to ensure the charter school is meeting its legal obligations.

The annual report found that BASE was operating within the terms of the current memorandum of understanding and approved charter. The report recommended updating of the Master memorandum of understanding and the Special Education memorandum of understanding.

4. Alameda Family Literacy Program Update

Background: The program began in 1999. Starting with approximately 20 families, the program now serves over 80 families. With grants of over $250,000, the Alameda program was recognized as one of the top early child education programs in the State.

5. California Healthy Kids Survey

Background: By law, the California Healthy Kids Survey is taken every two years in grades 5, 7, 9, and 11. Overall, the data from the survey indicates Alameda children are using drugs and alcohol in smaller numbers than six years ago. Ongoing programs will hopefully contribute to this downward trend.

6. Title I Collaborative Report

Background: The Title I program was enacted in 1965 to help economically and educationally disadvantaged children. Alameda Unified School District has five elementary schools (Henry Haight, Longfellow, Woodstock, Miller and Washington) and one middle school Title I school, Chipman. In order to better aligned resources and share best practices, the Educational Services department has been working with the six schools. They will present a report on their progress.

7. Budget Update

Background: The Governor released his budget on January 9th after reaching agreement with California's education community on an education deal. The initial budget spared K-12 education from additional cuts based on the deal with the education community (classified employees excluded) brokered prior to the release of the budget.

On May 13, 2004, the Governor released the May Revise.

Staff updated the Board on the implications of the May Revise on Alameda Unified School District.

8. Food Service Budget Proposed Changes

Background: The Child Nutrition program provides meals for all 18 school sites and has an operating budget of over $2 million. As a self sustaining entity, food services operations are required to match its revenues and expenditures in order to avoid enroaching on the general fund. Significant increases in labor costs(15% since 2000) associated agreed upon labor group contracts and increased operating costs associated with food service preparation have created an estimated $65,000 deficit in 2003/04. As a result, food services is recommending organizational changes and increased menu prices. The implementation of orgranizational changes are being worked out between the Chief Personnel Officer and the affected employees unions with a potential savings of approximately $100,000. Here are the recommended changes to menu costs:

  • Elementary School Lunch increased from $1.75 to $2.00
  • Middle School Lunch increased from $2.00 to $2.25
  • High School Lunch increased from $2.00 to $2.50
  • Reduced Breakfast at all levels increased from $0.00 to $0.30
  • The recommended price increases would generate $50,000 in additional revenues.

    9. Nurition: Current Policy Review and Recommended Changes

    Background: As laws change policies need to be updated. At the April 27th meeting, the Board reviewed initial changes to policies. Revised policies were presented. Over the summer a committee will be review the proposed changes and report its recommendations in August .

    10. Resolution No. 04-3869 Alameda Unified School District Establishment of a Citizens' Bond Committee and Approval of Bylaws Therefor

    Background: On March 2, 2004, Measure C was passed the voters of Alameda with 13,809 yes votes and 5,396 no votes. One of the steps required by Prop 39 is the Board must appoint an Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee. Bylaws for the operations of the committee were approved.

    11. PUBLIC HEARING Resolution No. 04-3870 Certification of Requirement of Education Code Section 60119 for Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Programs for Grades K-12 for FY 2003-04

    Background: Education Code 60119 requires an annual public hearing to declare the sufficiency of instructional materials throughout the District. The District has not purchased the adopted materials for Grades 3-5 Reading and Grades 9-12 Core Literature Books. As a result, until these books are purchased textbook monies can not be spent on other textbooks. The purchase of these books is expected to completed this summer. In addition, if the Legislature approves the Governor's proposal for additional funding of instruction materials, AUSD could begin its foreign language adoption. The first books to be purchased would be Spanish books for Wood and Encinal.

    Fiscal Implications: Purchase adopted materials with instructional materials funds.

    12. Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators

    Background: The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) has granted the right for districts to use general waiver requests. By declaring an insufficient number of existing certificated employees to meet the needs of the district, the district can issue emergency permits, if needed. Based on current staffing and significant work to insure all teachers have the necessary credentialing, AUSD does not aniticipate having to issue emergency permits in 2004/05.



    Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
    Last modified: May 26, 2004

    Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.