BOE Meeting for April 27, 2004 Oral Comments: Five speakers requested that AUSD give BASE their fair share of parcel taxes revenues. AEA President Glenda McDowell addressed the school board regarding the first mediated negotiations session held on April 20th. She indicated that the next two negotiation sessions are scheduled for May 17th and May 26th. 1. Amelia Earhart Elementary School - Distinguished School Award Background: Amelia Earhart has been recognized as a California Distinguished School. Earhart is one of eight elementary school in Alameda county recognized in 2004. Earhart joins Edison, Haight Lum and Paden Elementary schools that have designated as Distinguished Elementary Schools. 2. City of Alameda Planning Procedure for the Transportation Master Plan Background: On March 2, 2004, the Alameda City Council approved the strategy approved by the Public Works Department and recommended by the Transportation Commission to prepare a Citywide Transportation Master Plan. As a result a six Task Forces will be created made of representatives from:
The six task forces will be looking at:
Barbara Guenther, Tracy Jensen and Mike McMahon were appointed to serve on the task forces. Assigment to specific task forces will be determined at a later date. 3. Coordinated Compliance Review (CCR) Report of Findings Background: In 1983, California Department of Education task force developed a coordinated compliance review (CCR) process for all districts in the state. The purpose of the CCR is to simplify, streamline and coordinate the legally required compliance monitoring of specially funded programs and simultaneously maintain a commitment to student with special needs. Alameda Unified participates in the CCR process once every four years. Last year, we participated in a self review processs, preparing us for the state validation review conducted during April 20-23, 2004. During this review, there was a special focus on our programs for English Language Learners, Safe and Drug Free Schools, Title II Improving Teacher Quality, the Uniform Compliant Procedure, the Alameda Adult School and the Woodstock Child Development Center Program. Woodstock Elementary and Encinal High School was also visited. The final report indicated there 10 specific items of non-compliance out of 167 items reviewed. Within 45 days staff will present a plan to address the out of compliance items. 4. Budget Update Background: Each year AUSD is required to develop a new budget for the coming year. The timeline for 2004-2005 Budget Development Calendar indicates an initial budget was to be reviewed in March. However, the sigificant uncertainity surrounding the state's fiscal situation is delaying the process. The Governor released his budget on January 9th after reaching agreement with California's education community on an education deal. . The initial budget spared K-12 education from additional cuts based on the deal with the education community (classified employees excluded) brokered prior to the release of the budget. It remains to be seen if the cities and counties will be able to absorb the $1.3 billion in additional proposed cuts.
The Legislative Analyst Office reviewed the proposed 2004/05 budget for education and offered a perspective regarding ongoing deficits. The initial analysis of the state's K-12 budget reveals the following for AUSD as of January 16th :
Upside Potential Downside Potential We are still awaiting the release of the "May Revise" from the Department of Finance. 5. Nutrition - Review of Current Policies Background: The Child Nutrition Program provides meals for students and staff at all 18 schools and has an operating budget of over $2 million. As Child Nutrition Program requirements change and new laws go into effect, policies must be revised and updated. Three policies and their accompanying administrative regulations will be updated. Adiministrative regulation 3550 is a new regulation meant to address AB677 California Childhood Obesity Prevention Act. Board Member Guenther requested that staff add language to address how the regulation can be applied to the high schools even though AB677 only applies to elementary and middle schools. 6. Resolution No. 04-3846 Intent to Dismiss Classified Employee, Public Employees Union - Local One Background: The resolution is eliminate one storekeeper position by reclassifying the position back to its original description. The Board approved the resolution. 7. Special Education ReportBackground:
In 1978 the federal government agreed to fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) at the authorized level of 40%. In reality, the federal government has funded the program at around 17%. In addition, federal funds are distributed to the states where the governor has disretion on how to use those funds. Due to ongoing fiscal crisis from 2000, ex-Governor Gray Davis diverted $120,000,000 in federal funding for IDEA to the general fund rather than pass those dollars along to local school districts. Special education, unlike any other educational program, is a fully mandated program which requires local education agencies to provide special education services and programs to meet identified needs of inidividual students, regardless of cost. With an increasing awareness of learning disabilities and other factors, there has been increasing number of students identified as requiring services. Whenever the local education agencies can not provide the needed services, the student is placed in a Non-Public School setting costing between $30,000 to $70,000 a year.
Increased ligitation costs of $200,000, increased placements at non-public schools costing $225,000 and increased transportation costs of $150,000 have contributed to increased expenditures in 2003/04. In 2002/03 there were 30 special education students at Woodstock Child Development Center(WCDC). Presently there are 38 students at WCDC thus indicating an need to increase the budget for 2004/05. The three counseling enriched special day classes for 28 students is costing $380,000. The alternative placement at non-public schools would cost $925,000. The ongoing savings is $545,000. The two autism special day classes for 20 students is costing $265,000. The alternative placement at non-public schools would cost $840,000. The ongoing savings is $575,000. The district is considering implementing an Alternative Dispute Resolution program. The intent of program is avoiding using lawyers to arrive at an agreed upon arrangements for the providing of services of an Individual Education Plan for a student. Other local education agencies that have implemented this program have experienced decline in litigation costs approximating 40%. Here is a numerical breakdown of students served:
8. Measure C Construction School Report Background: The portables for Lincoln and Chipman Middle schools have been approved. Bids on seven to eight roofing projects for summer may come to Board in the month of May. Additional potential projects for the summer including paving and playground equipment replacement will likely be delayed as the contractors/vendors are not able to commit to summer completion dates. Fencing projects for Earhart, Miller and Wood are being researched. The following work is underway for the new school at the Bayport site: testing requirements for toxic substance control from the state should be finalized shortly, the geo-technical survey of soil conditions needed to support the foundation has started and the design team has reconvened to continue design work for the school site.
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