BOE Meeting for August 28, 2007 1.) Alameda's Unified School District Superintendent's Goals 2007-2010 Background: The Sueprintendent has worked with staff to develop her goals for 2007-2010 that are designed to move the District forward on a pathway to Excellence & Equity for all AUSD students. These goals are based on the Superintendent's Vision and Theory of Action. 2007-2010 Goals
2007-08 Sub-GoalsGOAL 1: Continue to improve student achievement while also narrowing and closing the achievement gap in English Language Arts and mathematics between our lowest performing students (African American, Latino, English learners, and Special Education students) and our highest performing students.
GOAL 2: Align the spending plan with educational objectives while ensuring the highest and best use of limited resources and long-term solvency.
GOAL 3: Ensure all students will be in educational environments that are safe and conducive to learning.
GOAL 4: Recruit and retain highly qualified and diverse staff and provide systems of support for and recognition of all employees.
The Board approved the Superintendent's Goals for 2007-2010. Strategic Significance: Goal #1-12 2.) DRAFT Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) Equity Policy Statement Background: In creating systems for Pathways to Equity & Excellence, the Board of Education needs to explicitly define equity. The draft policy is below: Board Policy Statement on EquityThis Equity Policy expresses the Governing Board's commitment to equity, excellence and the achievement for an inclusive learning environment for all students. Equity Policy Statement We believe that equity is a set of actions that produce results that are not determined by differences of race, sex or economic status. Equity is not the same as equality. Whereas, equality provides the same resources throughout the system on a per capita basis, equity demand allocation of resources based on need and support for each student's success. Therefore, in order to achieve equity, AUSD will factor in student needs when making decisions regarding resource allocations. The Board discussed the policy and it will be bought for approval at the bext Board of Education meeting. Strategic Significance: Goal #9 Student Involvement and Engagement 3.) Wellness Policy - Implementation Plan for 2007-08 Item Background: The Board adopted a Wellness Policy at the June 13, 2006 BOE meeting. In 2006-07, a Wellness subcommittee developed Adminstrative Regulations for the Wellness Policy. A report on 2007-08 action items was presented. Fiscal Implications: Network for Healthy California Funding can be secured for Title I schools. Implemenation costs will be tracked. Strategic Significance: Goal #At Risk Students, #10 Safe Schools
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