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BOE Meeting for September 27, 2005

1. Student Board Installation

Background: Alameda, Encinal and Island High School use their own selective process to select a student Board member. The student Board member were installed at the meeting.

They are:

  • Alameda High School - Delenie Wong
  • Encincal High School - Jack Newton
  • Island High School - Sara Lopes

Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement

2. Teacher of the Year Recognition

Background: The AUSD Teacher of the Year Committee is proud to announce Anselmo Reis, music teacher at Wood Middle School, as the 2005/06 Teacher of the Year. Anselmo Reis will receive $1000 from the PTA Council and the other four finalists will receive $250. The four other finalists were: Terri Elkin, Chipman Middle School, Sharmaine Moody, Lincoln Middle School, Barbara Murchinson, Miller Elementary, and Ana Sonia-Kevy, Earhart Elementary.

Prior winners include:

Pam Curtis 1988 Linda McCluskey 1996
Karen Guthrie 1989 Sue Enger 1997
Joel Baum 1990 Mary Dierking 1998
Teri Olsen 1991 Rufina "Ping" Mejia 1999
Nancy Phillipsen 1992 Roxanne LeBlanc 2000
Robert Ruark 1993 Kristi Hanelt 2001
Jim Peters 1994 Robert Siltanen 2002
James Richard 1995 Nancy Steimle 2003
Gwen Wade Stephens 2004

Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement

3. Proclamation:Walk & Roll Your Child to School Day

Background: Pedestrian Friendly Alameda sponsors an annual event "Walk & Roll Your Child to School Day". The Board apporved a proclamation declaring October 5, 2005 as Walk & Roll Your Child to School Day.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement

4. Superintendent Search

Background: In April, 2005, former Superintendent Alan Nishino announced he was leaving the district effective July 1, 2005. The Board of Education made a decision to appoint Ardella Dailey as the interim Superintendent for the 2005/06 school year and begin conducting the search for a permanent Superintendent in Fall, 2005. In August the Board approved a contract with California School Board Association to assist in the search.

Representatives from the California School Board Association will be in Alameda to conduct intreviews and hold a community meeting. The community meeting will be September 29th at 7pm at Lum School. The output from these meetings will be used to select interview questions for the Superintendent position.

Fiscal Implications: Total contract cost is $13,000 and only $7,800 if an internal candidate is selected.

Strategic Significance: Goal #12: Communication and Community Engagement

5. District Achievement Goals, 2005-2006, Aligned to Accountability

Background: The report focused on three areas: overall student achievement, the achivement gap and high school graduation rates. By reviewing 2004/05 data, 2005/06 goals were established in all three areas.

Strategic Significance: Goal #4, Student achievement and assessment

6. Approval of 2004-05 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report

Background: The unaudited actuals for 2004/05 were approved.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 1-12, Fiscal Impact

7. Enrollment Report

Background: A report on attendance will be given. The chart below (presented at the September 13th meeting) shows that attendance for 05/06 is experiencing a similar decline compared to last year. As of Day 20, elementary population was down 56, middle school is down 84, high school is down 67 and special education is down 37.

Regular Education Enrollment

. Day One Day Ten Day Twenty
03/04 -738 -106 -83
04/05 -784 -233 -230
05/06 -751 -232 -207

This trend suggests that Alameda Unified will have to reduce expenses in 2006/07.

Additional information showed that over a two year period (2003 to 2005) total enrollment is down 352 students with Encinal, Chipman, Miller, Longfellow, Woodstock and Paden being down 452 students and all other school increasing by 100 students. The breakdown by school level shows elementary is down 301 students, middle school 103 students and high school is up 52 students.

Fiscal Implications: Unknown at this time.

Strategic Significance: Goal # 1-12, Fiscal Impact



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 24, 2005

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.