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BOE Meeting – 12/10/2002

Items of Note from Board Meeting

  1. Interim Budget
  2. Calendar Report and Draft Proposal
  3. Woodstock School Site Design Committee
  4. PTA Reflections

1. Interim Budget

Background: Twice during the fiscal year, a school district is required to submit a financial report certifying the district’s ability to meet its financial obligations.

Presentation: Lorenzo Legaspi presented a high level summary of revenues and expenditures. Lorenzo indicated that higher projected enrollment resulted in hiring more teachers. As a result, the projected end of the year fund balance is approximately $200,000 lower at this point. Click on the First Interim Budget 2002/03 for more details.

Lorenzo also summarized the proposed mid year cuts by Governor. The Legislature will wait for the Governor’s 2003/04 budget proposal on January 10 before acting on Governor’s mid-year cut proposals.

Implications: It is apparent that funding for education over the next 18 months will be reduced. The state’s system of funding education using three primary sources of property taxes, sales taxes and income taxes creates cyclical swings. Until California changes this funding process, local school boards will be unable to plan beyond a one year time horizon.

2. Calendar Report and Draft Proposal

Background:  In December 2002, the Board voted to approve the 2002/03 calendar and to “set parameters and immediately form a committee to work out a more meaningful calendar for 2003/04. As a result, a survey was sent to a random sample of 600 parents and 340 middle school and high school students to determine parents and student preferences toward a school calendar.

In March 2002, the District began discussions with employee groups about the calendar. In November 2002, bargaining units conducted their own surveys concerning calendar preferences.

Presentation: 76 parent surveys (out of 600) and 30 student surveys (out of 340) were returned.  On the question of intermittent vacation or breaks during the school year being desirable, the parents responded with average score of 3 (1 = strongly disagree, 3 = agree 5 = strongly agree). The student question about breaks during the school year received a 3.9 score.

Stan Rose presented survey feedback from CSEA, ACSA and Local One. The District and AEA representatives met on December 2, 2002 and have a proposed calendar for Board consideration. However, AEA is indicating that the membership has not approved the proposed calendar.

Implications: Voting on approval of the calendar maybe delayed. At issue is AEA’s position that negotiations surrounding the calendar should be broader than the start and end dates of the school year.

3. Woodstock School Site Design Committee

Background:  At November 26, the Board asked staff to resubmit committee membership to include greater representation from parents and community.

Presentation: The original proposed committee consisted of 12 to 15 members with 2 to 4 parents/community representatives. The new committee of 28 will have 10 parents on the committee.

Implications: A large group presents challenges for the architect and the chairperson to complete their task in a timely manner. The increased participation should improve the flow of information within the affected community.

4. PTA Reflections

Background:  The National PTA Reflections program is an annual arts recognition and achievement program for students in grades K-12.

This fall 340 students participated in the program, a 40% increase in participation over last year.

Presentation: Pam Chang presented the finalists chosen to compete at the Peralta PTA District level. The finalists were:

Phillip Wolf

Intermediate Music


Connor Szeto

Primary Photo

Bay Farm

Devan Johnston

Intermediate Photo


Kailly Wang

Intermediate Photo

Bay Farm

Jessica Koehler

Middle School Photo

Bay Farm

Devon Yee

Primary Visual Arts


Anna Nguyen

Intermediate Visual Arts


Emily Childs

Middle School Visual Arts


Lisa Schneller

High School Visual Arts

Alameda High

Melody Dehagan

Primary Literature

Bay Farm

Caitlin Grey

Intermediate Literature


Kelsey Canalin

Middle School Literature

Bay Farm




Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: December 11, 2002

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.