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Findings from 2000 Master Plan Update (Nov. 2002)

Findings from the 2000 Master Plan

  1. The K-8 school proposed for the Tidelands Property was not implemented due to legal constraints.
  2. The (3) new classrooms were placed at Lincoln and (2) two new classrooms at Bay Farm to accommodate K-5 and 6-8 student growth.
  3. The relocation of Woodstock to Catellus has not occurred. Work is proceeding.
  4. Island High has not been relocated to date
  5. Alameda High overcrowding has been partially accommodated by relocating the HOME Project and remodeling the machine shop. The District Offices spaces have not been relocated and the Administrative Center of the historical building is usable for classrooms.
  6. Additional classrooms have added to K-5 facilities to accommodate all day Kindergarten.
  7. District warehouse and maintenance facilities have not been relocated.

Findings from the Current Update

  1. An enrollment growth bubble will occur in grades 6-12 district wide.
  2. Enrollment at all District facilities needs to be balanced if the District wants to avoid adding portable classrooms at specific facilities.
  3. At a minimum, nine (9) portables are need at all three (3) middle schools and seven (7) to Alameda High School above those sited in number 2.
  4. The Catellus school can be built on the twelve acre site. If constructed as a K-8 facility it could absorb a portion of the 6-8 bubble.
  5. The District could absorb the 6-8 bubble by adding a sixth grade at Washington and Earhart elementary schools.
  6. The District has the option to convert Woodstock Elementary to other uses, move Island High to a more suitable facility, convert the District offices to classrooms, convert the city library temporarily at Alameda High to classrooms uses and convert the Tidelands property to a revenue property asset.
  7. The District has $91,800,000 in outstanding needs from the 2000 Master Plan.


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Last modified: January 24, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.