
Mike McMahon AUSD
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Alameda PTA Council


Officers Updated, Site Contacts will be updated in Sept 09

New PTA COUNCIL SITE - Effective September 2009

2008/09 Meeting Schedule
2005-06 PTA Newsletters
2006-07 PTA Unit Reports
2008-09 PTA Dates
Google Groups

Title Name School EMail
PTA Council President Pam Chang . rileychang@comcast.net
PTA First Vice President Trish Spencer Lincoln/Alameda High jadetree@alamedanet.net
PTA Council VP Membership Peggy Forbes Lincoln/Alameda High soko1492@yahoo.com
PTA Council Treasurer Thu-Huong Nguyen . ttn1028@aol.com
PTA Council Secretary Jasmine Tokuda Wood/Alameda High Jasmine_pta@jasimnebazaar.com
PTA Council Parliamentarian Emily Lloyd . emo.lloyd@comcast.net
PTA Auditor Kevein Wood . homenets@covad.net
PTA Council Historian Christine Strena . teamstrena@alamedanet.net

2008/09 Information

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PTA President Tom Lynch Bay Farm tom.f.lynch@gmail.com
PTA President Tere Hanson Earhart yukers1@alamedanet.net
PTA President Jeff Kimble Edison jeff@jeffkimble.com
PTA President Amy Price Franklin amyprice@berkeley.edu
PTA President Debbie Fitzgerald Haight haightPTApresident@comcast.net
PTA President Karen Byers Lum ksbyers@comcast.net
PTA President Layne Van Otis .
PTA President Gwen Meyer Paden gwenmeyer@alamedanet.net
PTA President Ann Mulligan Ruby Bridges Ann.m.mulligan@gmail.com
PTA President Lorrie Murray
Eric Ladenburg
Washington president@mywashingtonpta.org
PTA President . Chipman .
PTA President Sarah Noble Lincoln fivenobles@att.net
PTA President Andrew Huntoon Wood ahuntoon@alamedanet.net
PTSA President Nancy Landreth Alameda High jklnm@sbcglobal.net
PTSA President Elaine Ma Alameda Science and Technology Institute elainesayaphupama@yahoo.com
PTSA President Catherine Engelhoff Encinal encinalptsa@gmail.com

2008-09 Meeting Schedule

Wednesday, August 27, 7pm, at Pam Chang's Home
Monday, September 22, 7pm, Haight Elementary, School Board Candidate Night
Wednesday, October 22, 7pm, Franklin Elementary
Wednesday, November 19, 7pm, Earhart Elementary
Wednesday, January 28, 7pm, Paden Elementary
Wednesday, February 25, 7pm, Edison Elementary
Wednesday, March 25, 7pm, Ruby Bridges Elementary
Wednesday, April 22, 7pm, Bay Farm Elementary
Wednesday, May 27, 7pm, Otis Elementary

2005-06 PTA Council Newsletters

2006-07 PTA Unit Reports

Google Groups

Alameda Schools Go Green Google Group Created November 2008


Anyone with an interest in supporting science education in Alameda's elementary schools is invited to join a new Google Group. The site includes links to the FOSS website, focused on the science curriculum now being taught at all Alameda elementary schools. There is also information about how FOSS lessons connect with state science standards, and a growing list of how-to's for individual schools, such as how to carry out a science day based on the model that's been used at Franklin Elementary for many years. Good things are being done at Alameda schools and it would be great to share them so we can all give them a try. To get access to the site please email Jan Greene at mail@janwrites.com.

Alameda Science in the Schools

2008-09 Dates

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Early Bird Membership dues to Peralta (15 members minimum)

Monday, October 20, 2008 all units must submit:
End of year Financial report 2007-08
End of year Audit 2007-08
Membership Approved Budget 2008-09

Saturday, November 15, 2008 IRS tax returns due and 1st required remittance of membership due to Peralta

Monday, November 17, 2008 Reflections entries due to PTA Council

Monday, December 1-19, 2008 Reflections entries on display at Alameda Free Library

Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 2pm Reflections Award Ceremony at Alameda Free Library

Thursday, January 1, 2009 Worker's Comp and Insurance premiums due to Peralta

Sunday, February 15, 2009 Midyear Audits to Peralta

Thursday, April 9, 2009 Final remittance of membership

Thursday, April 30, 2009 PTA State Convention in San Jose begins


Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: July, 09

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.