Recap for January 24 BOE MeetingSchool District Formal Agenda - PDF Version including Consent Items 1.) Highlighting Alameda Schools - Earhart School Background: The staff presented an overview of the academic accomplishments of their school. Fiscal Implications: None. 2. State Budget Update Background: Staff recapped the impact of the Governor budget on funding for public education in 2012/13. Fiscal Implications: None. 3.) Approval of the Annual Audit Background: Each year the Board of Education is required to approve an independent audit of the books of the school district. Fiscal Implications: None 4.) Recognition of Alameda High Schoool Women's Water Polo and Cross Country Teams Background: Staff recognized the naming of the women's water polo team and the boys and girls cross country teams as scholastic winners for North Coase. Fiscal Implications: None. 5.) Recommendation to Implement Magnet and Innovative Programs Background: Staff presented the recommendation for the four proposals submitted in 2011. The Board approved the recommendation with an additional vote on February 10 to review and approve the conditions of implementation. Fiscal Implications: Initial first year cost of approximately $730,000 and increasing to one million dollars by year three. 6.) Order of Business Background: To allow student related presentations to happen as soon as possible, there is proposal to move this items prior to public comment. The order of business change was approved. Fiscal Implications: None. 7.) Developer Fees Background: The Board approved the required notices regarding developer fees. Fiscal Implications: TBD. 8.) Review of Work Being Done by the Three Schools in Program Improvement Background: The three principals from Paden, Ruby Bridges and Wood presented the work being done to attempt to remove their schools from program improvement designation.. Fiscal Implications: None. 9.) Transitional Kindergarten Background: The staff presented a review of the current state of implementing transitional kindergarten. There is a significant amount of uncertaintity because the Governor has not funded transitional kindergarten in his budget proposal. However, the Legislature will need to change legislation to remove the mandate to provide transitional kindergarten. Fiscal Implications: TBD.