Recap for February 25 BOE MeetingLink to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation 1.) Update on Food Services Pilot Program (See it, Smell it) Background: Staff presented an update on new food presentation program being piloted at Maya Lin. Fiscal Implications. None. 2. Update on the Wood Middle School Restructuring Background: The staff presents an update on the changes being made at Wood Middle School in this report and presentation. Fiscal Implications: $200,000. 3. Approval of Academy of Alameda Charter Petition Background: The staff's presentation and report recommended approval of the Academy of Alameda charter petition. Here is their self study. Fiscal Implications: None. 4. Land Swap between Alameda Unified School District and Alameda City Background: The staff presented a recap of the proposed land swap between Alameda Unified School District and Alameda City. The Board will act on the proposal on March 11. Fiscal Implications: None.