Recap for May 22 BOE MeetingLink to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation 1.) Highlighting Alameda Schools - Ruby Bridges Elementary Background: The staff presented an overview of the academic accomplishments of their school. Fiscal Implications: None. 2. Magnet School and Innovation Programs Update Background: Staff presented an update on the progress of meeting the conditions for starting a magnet school and innovative programs in September, 2012. Fiscal Implications: None. 3.) Recognition of Teacher of the Year and Finalists Background: Staff presented an overview of the selection process which ended naming Chris Hansen, Lincoln Middle School as the 2012 Teacher of the Year. Fiscal Implications: To be determined 4.) Update on Measure A Expenditures Background: Staff presented background and overview materials of the expenditures for Measure A. Fiscal Implications: None. 5.) Review of the May Revise Background: Staff presented the materials from School Services of California presentation on the analysis of the May Revise. Fiscal Implications: None. 6.) Adoption of Tier III Reallocation Background: The Board approved the staff recommendation to reallocate Tier III funds. Fiscal Implications: None.