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Recap for September 24 BOE Meeting

Link to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation

1.) Theory of Action for Improving Student Achievement

Background: The Superintendent presented her theory of action which intended to improved student outcomes.

Fiscal Implications. None.

2. Update on Program Improvement Status for the District and Schools

Background: Staff presented a report on the status of District and three schools under Program Improvement.

Fiscal Implications: None.

3.Summer School Report

Background: Staff presented a recap of the activity related summer school.

Fiscal Implications: None.

4.Approval of 2013/14 Strategic Goals

Background: The Board approved 2013/14 strategic goals.

Fiscal Implications: None.

5. Discussion regarding using Legal Counsel

Background: The majority of the Board gave staff direction to continue the process to hire a Legal Counsel.

Fiscal Implications: None.

6. Back to School Report

Background: Staff presented the final report on the enrollment after 20 days of school.

Fiscal Implications: None.

7. Superintendent Contract Addendum

Background: The Board voted 4 to 1 to approve an addendum to add one year extension to the Superintendent contract.

Fiscal Implications: Depends on assumptions.