BOE Meeting for April 6, 2004 Oral Communications: Four teacher spoke during Oral Communications. 1. Employee of the Month Item Type: Information (15 minutes) Background: Each month the District recognizes an employee of the month. The District honored Lester Dixon, Campus Supervisor, Chipman Middle School and Nga Nguyen, Math/Science Teacher, Chipman Middle School. 2. Coordinated Compliance Review (CCR) Overview Background: In 1983, California Department of Education task force developed a coordinated compliance review (CCR) process for all districts in the state. The purpose of the CCR is to simplify, streamline and coordinate the legally required compliance monitoring of specially funded programs and simultaneously maintain a commitment to student with special needs. Alameda Unified participates in the CCR process once every four years. Last year, we participated in a self review processs, preparing us for the state validation review scheduled for April 20-23, 2004. During this review, there will be special focus on our programs for English Language Learners, Safe and Drug Free Schools, Title II Improving Teacher Quality, the Uniform Compliant Procedure, the Alameda Adult School and the Woodstock Child Development Center Program. The initial meeting with the review is at 1:00pm at District Offices on April 20th. The exit report will be delivered at 12 noon at District Offices on April 23rd. 3. English Language Learner (ELL) Report Background: Annually in March, school districts are required to collect the number of English Language Learners in their districts and submit a report known as the Language Census (R-30). After completing a Home Language Survey indicating what is the primary language spoken in the home, an assessment given when a non-English language is spoken.
Annual assessment given in 2003/04 school stand at 2,504 with 2,148 be designated as English Language Learners. The primary languages are Cantonese (670) Spanish (389) Vietnamese (252) Pilipino (Tagalog) (223) Korean (119) and Farsi (112). There are an additional twelve languages with 10 more students. An report compiled shows the number of students by country of origin if they moved to the United States within the last three years. As of March 1, 2004 there 587 identified students from sixty-one (61) countries. There has been a steady decline in the number of students over the past ten years. In 1994 there 1,248 students identified. 4. Budget Update Item Type: Information (10 minutes) Background: Each year AUSD is required to develop a new budget for the coming year. The timeline for 2004-2005 Budget Development Calendar indicates an initial budget was to be reviewed in March. However, the sigificant uncertainity surrounding the state's fiscal situation is delaying the process. The Governor released his budget on January 9th after reaching agreement with California's education community on an education deal. . The initial budget spared K-12 education from additional cuts based on the deal with the education community (classified employees excluded) brokered prior to the release of the budget. It remains to be seen if the cities and counties will be able to absorb the $1.3 billion in additional proposed cuts.
The Legislative Analyst Office reviewed the proposed 2004/05 budget for education and offered a perspective regarding ongoing deficits. The initial analysis of the state's K-12 budget reveals the following for AUSD as of January 16th :
Upside Potential Downside Potential 5. Measure C Citizen's Oversight Committee Selection Process Background: After accepting the County's verification of Measure C election results, the Board of Education has 60 days to select members for the Citizens Oversight committe. The Board reviewed and approved the materials being used to solicit members for the Oversight committee. Public solicitation for applicants is expected to begin in early May. 6. Golden Handshake Update for Classified and Certificated Employees Background: Lorenzo Legaspi, Chief Financial Officer indicated that Alameda County Office of Education's review of the Golden Handshake for certificated and classified staff had generated additional questions. Lorenzo will be meeting with County officials on Wedensday to get final word on whether the Golden Handshake will receive approval from the County. If not, the District will attempt to offer a private plan for early retirement.
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