BOE Meeting for May 11, 2004 1. Employees(s) of the Month Background: Each month the District recognizes Employees of the Month. This month Donna Fletcher from District Offices and Nicole Myovich, Earhart Elementary School Teacher were honored. 2. Food Service and Wood School (NAC Miniconference) Background: A Nutrition Advisory Council (NAC) serves as a link between students, school food service personnel, administrators and the community. Fifteen Wood Middle School students attended a NAC mini confernce in January, 2004. The mini conference was held in Fremont and was attended numerous school districts. The fifteen students learned nutritional information and fat content of cafteria food and had an opportunity to taste test new products. Next year, the conference will be held in Sacramento and AUSD food services hopes to have around 100 students attend the conference. 3. Title I 2003-2004 Academic Achievement Awards Program Background: The Title I Academic Achievement Awards Program is authorized by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001. The federal program has been in operation since 1984. To qualify a school must have two years of assessment data for school years 2001-02 and 2002-03 in the state accountability system for growth results to be calculated for the Academic Performance Index (API). The school must demonstrate the achievement level of twice the school wide API growth target and twice the API growth target for the socio-economically disadvantaged subgroup for school years 2001-02 and 2002-03, and, must have made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as calculated by the California Department of Education (CDE) and defined under NCLB for 2001-02 and 2002-03. Henry Haight Elementary School is one four schools in Alameda county that was recognized in a state wide award ceremony last week. 4. Beginning Teachers Support and Assistance (BTSA) Report Background: Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment (BTSA) is is an initiative to provide formative assessment and individualized support based on assessment information for beginning teachers. BTSA is co-administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). The Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment System was created by AB 1266 (Mazzoni, 1997). This grew out of legislation established in SB 1422 (Bergeson, 1992) based on research from the California New Teacher Project (CNTP). A central finding of this research identified the need to provide beginning teachers with focused induction support. To be useful, this support must be provided at a sufficient level of intensity to make a difference in the performance, retention, and satisfaction of beginning teachers. The 1997 Mazzoni legislation establishing BTSA encourages collaboration by local school districts, county offices of education, colleges and universities in the organization and delivery of new teacher induction. In 1998, SB 2042 established a formal teacher induction program for new teachers and out-of-state teachers that need a clear California credential. There are 37 teachers participating in the program this year 22 at the elementary school level, 9 at the middle school level and 6 at the high school level. 5. Tri High Annual Update Background: AUSD and Tri-High School Health Services have had an ongoign partnership since 1993. The first site was located at Alameda High school with another office opening at Encinal High school in 1999. Tri High's operating budget of $432,000 is funded by various county health organization and receives in-kind space from AUSD. There were 1,422 visits from 7/1/03 to 3/31/04. While 76% of the clients were female, there was a young male usage of the Tri-High has increased from 15% to 24%. In partnership with UCSF, the Tri-High center has put together a student research team of six students. This year their research question was: "How do your relationships affect you and your health?". They plan to 400 students (100 at each grade level). Data should be summarized in June. 6. Budget Update Background: Each year AUSD is required to develop a new budget for the coming year. The timeline for 2004-2005 Budget Development Calendar indicates an initial budget was to be reviewed in March. However, the sigificant uncertainity surrounding the state's fiscal situation is delaying the process. The Governor released his budget on January 9th after reaching agreement with California's education community on an education deal. . The initial budget spared K-12 education from additional cuts based on the deal with the education community (classified employees excluded) brokered prior to the release of the budget. It remains to be seen if the cities and counties will be able to absorb the $1.3 billion in additional proposed cuts.
The Legislative Analyst Office reviewed the proposed 2004/05 budget for education and offered a perspective regarding ongoing deficits. The initial analysis of the state's K-12 budget reveals the following for AUSD as of January 16th :
Upside Potential Downside Potential The Governor's May Revise is scheduled to be released on Friday, May 15th. There are indications that the COLA has raisen from 1.84% to 2.41%, though it is unlikely the Governor will pass the increase along to K-12 education. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of Core Literature Works for 9th - 12th Grade High School English Classes Background: Prior to adopting appropriate educational materials, the Board of Education must conduct a public hearing. The Board will review the recommendation to adopt nine book titles for grades 9 to 12. They are:
Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Night by Ellie Wiesel Cry, the Beloved Country, Alan Paton OR Thing Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Othello, Shakespeare Oedipus the King Greek translation Hamlet, Shakespeare By adopting these core works, the Board will be taking a step towards assuring that all high school students are provided with a standards-aligned textbook in their English classes. By a vote of 4-1 (Board Member Guenther voting no), the Board adopted the textbook titles. 8. Resolution No. 04-3856 Non-Reelection of Temporary Employees Background: California Education Code 44954 requires that the Governing Board notify temporary employees in a position requiring certification requirements or their decision to reelect them. This resolution is notifying 13 employees of our decision to nonrelect them. The Board approved the resolution. 10. Resolution No. 04-3857 Intent to Dismiss Classified Employee, California School Employees Association, Paraprofessional Unit Background: Due to lack of work and/or lack of funds, the Board of Education hereby finds it is in the best interest of the District to reduce and/or discontinue one paraprofessional, Title I, 6 hour position at Longfellow school. The Board approved the resolution. 11. Resolution No. 04-3858 Alameda Unified School District Certification to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors of all Proceedings in the March 2nd, 2004 General Obligation Bond Election Background: On March 2, 2004, Measure C was passed the voters of Alameda with 13,809 yes votes and 5,396 no votes. One of the steps required by Prop 39 is that the Board of Education certify the results. Within 60 days of certification, the Board must appoint an Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee. The Board approved the resolution.
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