BOE Meeting for June 10, 2003 1. Recognition in Honor of Judy Blank Background: Judy Blank has served as president of the Alameda Education Foundation (AEF)for 1996 to 2003. Under Ms. Blank's leadership, AEF increased its membership, added a variety of programs that serve Alameda students, particularily in area of Music and the Performing Arts. The Alameda Board of Education recognized and commended Ms. Blank for her role in enriching the education of Alameda's students. 2. Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Annual Report Background: Based on passage of State law in 1998 and Article 28 of the current contract with Alameda Edcuation Association, the Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) program allows exemplary teachers to assist veterans teachers who need to develop their subject matter knowledge. In 2002-03 six teachers took advantage of the PAR program. Proposed budget cuts will reduce the size of the PAR program in 2003-04. 3. BASE Prop 39 Facilities Report Item Type: Information/Action (20 minutes) Background: At the April 29th meeting, the Board of Education directed staff to work with Bay Area School of Enterprise (BASE) to reach a final agreement concerning the District's provision of facilities to BASE pursant to Proposition 39. The agreement presented contained a slight modification to the parameters established by the Board at April 29th meeting. An additional $10,000 was added to refurbish the portables. Member Gibson questioned the lack of language related to requiring qualifications for "in-district" students. The Board approved the three year on 5-0 vote. Fiscal Implications: Cost of moving portables and up to $10,000 for repairs 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Local Education Agency (LEA)Plan Background: The Local Education Agency Plan (LEA Plan) is mandated by No Child Left Behind (NCLB), Section 1112. CA Dept of Education FAQ Webpage This plan, which is due to the State each June 1st, is a five year operational plan which must be updated by the District annually. It is meant to be a single, comprehensive plan describing the focus of raising the academic performance of all students. The Plan has outlined five performance goals of NCLB:
The Plan also tracks twelve performance indicators of NCLB:
Staff presented the 100 page document. There are plans to publish the document on the District website. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Immediate intervention of Under-Performing Schools Program (II/USP)Report, Encinal High School Background: The purpose of the public hearing wass to provide information as to the reason for the drop in API and actions taken to avoid a repeat of a significantly low API. Encinal's API dropped 46 points from 2000-2001 to 2001-2002. The Board reviewed the District needs identified in the Encinal report to determine the feasiblity for implementation in 2003-2004. Here are the main points:
The Board accepted the report. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Budget for 2003-04 Background: Here are the numerical highlights of the 2003/04 budget: 2002-03 Mandated Cost Deferral: $(630,000) Flexibility—The District took full advantage of transfering restricted reserves to backfill the cut to mandated cost: $ 521,000 Reduction in Contribution to WCDC: $ 51,000 (WCDC budget includes donation from Alice Li-Bitker) 2003-04 Reduction in Base Revenue Limit UnCOLA from 2.15% to 1.2%: $ 450,000 PERS Reduction Buyout: $ 55,000 (Districts are allowed to keep some of the savings from the reduction in the PERS rate. The maximum rate is 13.02% of salary. The 2003-04 rate is 10.42%.) K-3 CSR revenue reinstated to 2002-03 level: $ 200,000 (The District projected a 12% cut.) Loss in Mandated Cost Deferral: $(650,000) 7. Resolution 03-3792 Adopt and Make Appropriations and Adopt the Standards and Criteria for the Fiscal Year 2003-04 Background: This resolution certified that AUSD has adopted a budget and standards and criteria for the fiscal year 2003-04. The Board adopted the Budget for 2003-04. 8. AUSD Early Retirement Incentive Program: Certificated Background: Adminstration will briefly compare the financial impact of a private program with the State's proposal under AB 1207 as it is configured at the time of this writing. No action was taken on this item. 10. PUBLIC HEARING: CSEA Reopeners for 2003-04 Background: At the May 13th meeting, the California School Employees Association presented Reopeners for 2003-04 contract. In order negotiated these items the Board of Edcuation must accept the reopeners. The Board accepted the reopeners. 9. PUBLIC HEARING: Biology Course Textbook Background: The 10th grade textbook Biology adopted.
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