BOE Meeting for June 23, 2004 1. Presentation of Fulbright Program Certificates to Kelli Green and Lincoln Middle School Background: During the 2003/03 school year, Lincoln Middle School Physical Education teacher, Kelli Green, participated in Fulbright Exchange Program with the Slovak Republic. Ms. Greem gave a report on her experiences. 2. Update Strategic Plan Implementation and Accomplishments Background: In June, 2003, the Board of Education adopted a 5 Year Strategic Plan. Staff will present a final update on year one accomplishments. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: Negative Declaration for New Woodstock Elementary School Background: As part of the building process for a new elementary school, the Board of Education must submit a certification that the California Environmental Quality Act process has been followed. ACC Environmental has assessed the project and has prepared a Negative Declaration meaning the proposed school has no negative impact on the environment. 4. Resolution 04-3896 Approval of Negative Declaration for New Woodstock Elementary School Background: Per agenda item three above, a resolution was prepared with ACC Environmental findings. Because the State agency still needs to file their comments regarding the negative declaration, the resolution could not approved. Once the State agency are posted, then the Board can approve the resolution. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: Preliminary Endangerment Assessment (PEA) for New Woodstock School Background: As part of the building process for a new elementary school, the Board of Education must submit a statement from the California Department of Toxic Substance Control that effect on the students and staff has been assessed. ACC Environmental has assessed the project and has prepared a Preliminary Endangerment Assessment. The first phase of the assessment found four conditions which led to a phase two assessment. In the phase two assessment, three of the four conditions had been mitigated by Catellus during site prepartion. The final condition is consistent with consistent with the rest of Alameda. 6. Report on Statistics - Explusions and Suspensions Background: Each year the school district reports on suspensions and explusions. The suspension data will be provided at the meeting. The explusion data is as follows: Explusions
7. Attendance Report Background: Principals were asked to implement strategies to improve attendance. In fiscal year 02/03 P2 ADA was 96.26%. In fiscal year 03/04 P2 ADA was 96.58%. The .32% translates into approximately $165,000 of additional revenues. The .32% represents a good accomplishment considering a number of districts expereinced a decline in ADA percentage due to the flu attack in November. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2004/05 Background: Education Code 42127(a) and (b) requires that school districts file an adopted operating budget for all funds with the County Superintendent of Schools by July 1. The 2004/05 Budget was presented for adoption. The proposed budget is balanced. However, as a result of anticipated negotiated settlements with our employee groups, the District will submit this budget using provision of AB1754, Section 0, which allows school districts to reduce their Reserve for Economic Uncertainity by 50% for 2004/05. The minimum reserve of 3% must be restored in 2005-06. The budgeted reserve of $2,600,000 is anticipated to be reduced by approximately $900,000 as a result of anticipated negotiated settlements. As a result our Reserve for Economic Uncertainity will drop from 3.53% to 2.31%. 9. Resolution 04-3887 Adopt Proposed Budget and Make Appropriations and Adopt Standards and Criteria for Fiscal Year 2004/05 Background: This resolution certifies that the District had adopted a budget and standards and criteria for 2004/05. The Board approved the resolution. 10. Resolution 04-3897 Alameda Unified School District Declares its Intent to Request the Alameda City Council to Amend the Alameda City Charter to Delete Reference to the School District being Subject to Control and/or Governed by the Alameda City Charter Background: The School Board is asking the City Council to submit a measure to the public for the amending of the city charter removing the operations and governance of the District from the city charter. The Board approved the resolution. 11. PUBLIC HEARING: Spanish Course Textbooks for Middle and High Schools Background: The recommedation of the committee is to adopt Realidades by Prentice Hall. The Board approved the textbook adoption. 12. PUBLIC HEARING: French Course Textbooks for Middle and High Schools Background: The recommedation of the committee is to adopt Discovering French Noveau by McDougall Lettel. The Board approved the textbook adoption. 13. PUBLIC HEARING: Japanese Course Textbooks for Middle and High Schools Background: The recommedation of the committee is to adopt Marai by Cheng and Tsui. The Board approved the textbook adoption. 14. PUBLIC HEARING: Geography Course Textbook for High Schools Background: The recommedation of the committee is to adopt World Geography by Glencoe. The Board approved the textbook adoption. 15. PUBLIC HEARING: Re-Openers - Public Employees Union Local One Item Type: PH/Action (5 minutes) Background: The District and Local One have a current contract that expires on June 30, 2004. Local One submitted their openers at the March 23rd BOE meeting. At the June 9th meeting the District presented their openers. At this meeting the Board approved the openers. 16. PUBLIC HEARING: Approval of Successor Agreement Between Alameda Unified School District and Alameda Education Association Background: The Board of Education conducted the first of two public hearings on the successor three year contract between the District and Alameda Education Association. The major provisions of the tentative agreement were reviewed for fiscal implications. Assuming the other employee groups receive comparable terms, the total cost will approximately $900,000 for fiscal year 2004/05.