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Recap for September 6, 2003

1. Workshop on Facilities Master Plan

Background: At the August 26th BOE meeting, staff reintroduced the Facilities Master Plan. After the presentation the Board agreed to hold a workshop on September 6th to solicit community input.

At the workshop, the Board reviewed the revised recap of site work aligned with proposed financing options. Along the recap there were proposed details for each site that match the revised recap. At the end of the presentation staff recommended asking for approximately $55 million (Option 2) in bonds that could be financed without any additional property taxes being added.

The Board then listened to approximately 10 speakers voice concerns about increasing property taxes, disruptions to schools and the need for a new school.

Each Board member then voiced how they felt about the recommendation. Overall, each Board member did not object to initial staff recommendation though each had potential concerns. Board member Gibson questioned the need for relocation of District offices and wanted to make sure all changes were about edcuation first. Member Reeves wanted to see Island High relocated. Member Jensen questioned the need for a new school at the Catellus as well as what process occurs after the Board approves a financing option. Member Guenther wanted to see Island High relocated and as many portables removed as possible. Member McMahon wanted to see the bond funds used as recommended in Option 2 where the 5 school sites not include in the last modernization get a significant amount of funds and the remaining monies used throughout the District with the least costly solution for District Offices.

At the September 9th, the Board will consider taking action on the Facilities Master plan.

For additional background, see AUSD Facilities.



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Last modified: September 6, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.