
Mike McMahon AUSD
BOE Meetings Assessment Facilities FinancesFavorite Links

2007/08 Budget


Budget reports were presented at Board of Education meetings on October 24, 2006 and November 28, 2006. At that time, the Board approved a $2.1 million 2006/07 budget revision with the stipulation that budget cuts for 2007-2008 would be necessary. This follows five years of budget reductions.


Superintendent Spending Reduction Information
Additional District Material
Financial Data
Community Input
Financial Data
Elected Federal and State Representatives
Historical Information
Websites/Online Contact Information

Superintendent Spending Reduction Information

2007 Approved Budget Reallocation totaling $1,390,000
Recommendation Presented at 2/13 BOE Meeting Superintendent is recommending Alternative 2
Explanation of Budget Items

List Prepared for 2/5 Community Meetings Same list as January 29 and 2/1 list but this list has added descriptions for budget items
List Prepared for 2/1 Community Meetings Same list as January 29 list but this list has added descriptions for most budget items

List Prepared for 1/29 Community Meetings
Non Excel Version published using Google Spreadsheets - List

Letter to Middle School Parents
Non-Word Version using Google Document - Letter to Middle School Parents

Budget Decisions Timeline
AUSD Website Community Budget Meeting Documents

Additional District Materials

Background on Agenda Item 3 for the 2/13 BOE Meeting
Luz Cazares Presentation Agenda Item 3 for the 2/13 BOE Meeting

January 30th Agenda Item - Special Education FCMAT Recommendations Update
January 30th Agenda Item - Special Education Update

January 30th Agenda Item - Technology Services Report
January 30th Agenda Item - Technology Services Analysis (1MB pdf file)

Financial Data

2007 Board Approved Reductions of $1,390,000
2006 Board Approved Reductions of $800,000
2005 Board Approved Reductions of $1,600,000
2003 Board Approved Reductions of $1,700,000
2001 Board Approved Reductions of $1,600,000
Alameda County Revenue Limit by District (2004/05)
AUSD Chart of Revenue and Expense - 2000 to 2006
Governor's 2007/08 State Budget Proposal

Community Input

Board McMahon Proposal presented at February 13th BOE Meeting
Survey Budget Reallocation Process>
Comments Received on 2007 Budget Reductions
Comments Received on 2007 Budget Reductions at Community Meetings
Suggestions from 2007 Budget Reductions Community Meetings
Alameda Press Coverage of 2007 Budget Reductions
Comments Received on 2006 Budget Reductions
Comments Received on 2006 Budget Reductions Presented at the 2/2 Community Meeting
Comments Received on 2005 Budget Reductions
Comments Received on 2003 Budget Reductions

State and Federal Representatives

Senator Feinstein
Senator Boxer
U.S. Representative Pete Stark

Suggested topics for Federal representatives include:

  • improving funding Special Education (AUSD services provides exceed reimsbursement by over $3 million a year)
  • improving funding for No Child Left Behind (AUSD has no real estimate of costs with compliance with the Federal legislation)
  • improving funding for JROTC (AUSD estimates current expenditures of $95,000 over reimsbursement from the Federal government)
State Senator Perata
Assembly Member Sandre Swanson

Suggested topics for State representatives include:

  • improving funding to equalize funding between districts (AUSD receives up to $1000 less than other districts in Alameda county)
  • prevent the "take back" of up to $1.5 million of constitutionally guaranteed reimbursement for mandated costs (AUSD received $1.5 million in 06/07 for 5 years of unpaid mandated costs. Currently, the state is auditing for compliance of documentation for reimbursement of mandated costs. However, the auditors are applying unreasonable documentation standards for reimbursements. As a result, auditors are disallowing up to 100% of a District reimbursement claims. On average, audits are recovering over 85% of the reimbursement amount given to a Distrcit.)

Historical Information

Overview of AUSD Finances
The Start of the State Budget Crisis
State Budget Developments for 2007/08
2006 Budget Reduction Overview
2005 Budget Reduction Overview
2003 School Funding Overview

Websites/Online Contact Information


City wide fundraising for education:

Alameda Education Foundation


Alameda Education Foundation: kris@alamedaeducation.org

Political\Legal Activities :

Alameda For Better Schools Wikispace

Alameda For Better Schools: AlamedaSchools@Alamedanet.net


California Legislative Analysts Office Budget Analysis of 2006/07 K-12 Education Funding

Ed Data
Independent research and information on California education issues

EdSource Online
Information on Califronia state funding, school budgets and legislation

California School Finance
Comprehenisve funding on California school funding


Comments. Questions. Broken links? Bad spelling! Incorrect Grammar? Let me know at webmaster.
Last modified: February 9, 2006

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.