Recap for June 12 BOE MeetingLink to Novus website containing Formal Agenda and Supporting Documentation 1.) Adoption of Student and Employee 2012/13 Calendars Background: Due to delays in arriving at an agreed upon 2012/13 school calendar with the Alameda Education Association, the Board adopted a number of work calendars. In addition, a student calendar with the start of school was adopted. Fiscal Implications: None. 2. Collective Bargaining Agreements with CSEA Background: Negotiations for a new three year contract were successful. As a result, the Board approved new three contracts with CSEA 27 and 860 along with Memorandum of Understandings for one year trials of certain working conditions. Fiscal Implications: None. 3.) Recommendation for Allocation of Measure A Funds Background: Staff presented a recommendation of Measure A funds which last year's allocation formula. Fiscal Implications: To be determined 4.) Update on Measure A Expenditures Background: Staff presented background and overview materials of the expenditures for Measure A. Fiscal Implications: None. 5.) School Site and District Budgets Background: Staff presented the 2012/13 budgets for school sites and District Office departments. Fiscal Implications: None. 6.) Summer Facilities Projects Background: Staff presented a list of the Summer facilities projects. Fiscal Implications: None. 7.) Non Binding Letter with the Intent to Enter into a Lease Agreement Background: Staff presented an option to lease space in Marina Village to house District Offices. The Board voted 3 to 2 support moving forward to securing the lease. Fiscal Implications: None. 8.) Review of Novus Agenda System Background: Staff solicited input from the Board regarding the Novus agenda system. Overall, the Board believed the new system is working. Fiscal Implications: None. 9.) Review of Superintendent's Performance Goal Background: As part of contract, the Superintendent is eligible to receive up to $15,000 based on completion of goals. The Superintendent presented evidence of work done to complete the three goals. Fiscal Implications: None.