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Future Agenda Items

Board Meeting for September 23, 2003

1. Student Board Installation

Background: The three student Board members to be appointed are:

  • Jia-Jia Zhu - Alameda High School
  • Leah Abraham - Encinal High School
  • Christopher Martinez - Island High School

The judge was not available to perform the formal installation so the Board welcomed the student Board members at this meeting.

2. Public Hearing Resolution 03-3812 Approval of School Facilities Needs Analysis: Adopt Alternative School Fees in Comliance with Government Code Section 65885.5, 65995.6 and 65995.7 and make Related Findings and Determinations

Background: Beginning in 1986 AB2926 granted school district governing boards the authority to levy developer fees for residential and commercial/industrial construction. In 1998, SB50 made major changes in the State School Building Program as well as the level of permissible school fees for school districts in California.

Upon meeting applicable legal requirements and completing a School Facility Needs Analysis school districts can levy fees based on certain levels.

A study was completed in August and finds that the District is justified in establishing Level II fees of $4.19 per square foot of asessable space of residental construction and Level III fees of $8.38 per square foot of assessable space of residental construction.

Speakers from the Catellus/Warmington Homes companies indicated that the School Facilities Needs Analysis was deficient in a number of areas and urged the Board to not pass the resolution.

Staff indicated that they were comfortable with Needs Analysis and recommended passage of the resolution. Passage of the resolution could increase the amount of developer fees collected by over $2 milion should the District prevail in most certainly appears to be a matter to be resolved in the courts..

The Board passed the resolution 5-0.

3. Strategic Plan Implementation Update

Background: At the June 24th BOE Meeting, the Board of Education approved a AUSD Strategic Plan . Three times a year (September, February and May) progress reports will be presented on the 2003/04 Goals for the Stategic Plan.

Staff presented the first update for the year.

4. Board Meeting Format

Background: The Board has requested that the Board Format be reviewed. The current format is as follows:

  1. All meetings will start at 6:30pm.
  2. All oral communications, both agenda and non-agenda, will transpire during time allotted from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, for which speaker slips must be submitted no later than 7:00pm.
  3. For agenda items requiring expanded comunications and public input, the Board will plan for and schedule workshops.

The Board of Education received a letter from the League of Women Voters who monitor public governmental meetings of Alameda. The letter indicated concerns about the restrictive limits placed on opportunities to speak on agenda items since speakers can only speak prior to the regular meeting starting.

Board members discussed potential changes to the format. President Guenther requested Members Gibson and Jensen to do some research and present alternatives to the Board.

5. Summer School Report

Item Type: Information (30 minutes)

Background: 2,435 student (24% of the total AUSD students) attended summer school. A total of 986 out of 1254 students who started the high school program completed their courses. 24 seniors received enough credits to complete graduation requirements. A total of 475 of 490 middle school students completed their courses. 691 students attended elementary sessions at Otis and Washington schools.

At the elementary schools AUSD was able to use the services of Partners, non-profit organization dedicated to improving public education through data driven reform. Partners presented their findings and recommendations based on their in Alameda schools.

7. Approval of 2002-03 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report

Background: In September of each year the Board reviews the unaudited acutals financial of the prior fiscal year. The 2002-03 financials shows a Ending balance of $2,741,852 of unrestricted funds and $826,178 of restricted funds.

Staff reminded the Board that ending balance of 2002/03 was higher than normal due to legislative changes necessiated as of the CA Budget Crisis.

8. Approval for Agreement of Public Information Services

Background: At the September 9th BOE Meeting, the Board of Education authorized the District to move forward on a $57 million General Obligation Bond.

Often it is necessary to utilize outside services to plan and coordinate the efforts to successfully pass a bond measure.

The Board will review a $45,000 proposed contract with Sidewalk Strategies, a division of Tramulota LLC. The contract would be paid for from developer fees. The contract outlines the following services to be provided:

  1. Assist in developing and interpreting a poll
  2. Coordinate activities of District's financial advisor/underwriter bond counsel and District personnel as required in placing a measure on the ballot
  3. Provide advice on Propostion 39 compliance including project list and oversight committee
  4. Review and provide recommendations to modify existing facility need summaries
  5. Make recommendation to AUSD on optimal tax rate, amount of bond, projects to include and timing of election
  6. Prepare ballot statement (75 word summary)

Board member Jensen expressed concern on a number of the provisions of the contract.

After the motion was made to approve the contract, Member Jensen requested a modification to motion with two changes to contract language.

The Board approved the modified motion 3 to 2 with Member Reeves and Guenther voting no. Member Reeves and Guenther indicated they did not feel comfortable modifying the contract and subjecting the process to potential delays.



Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 19, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It does not represent any official opinions, statement of facts or positions of the Alameda Unified School District. Its sole purpose is to disseminate information to interested individuals in the Alameda community.